
92 13 14

Nora's pov

In the afternoon before lunch, Stacy, Edward, and I decided to have lunch outside. As soon as I stepped outside, I felt a sharp pain in my head because of the excess heat, but still managing myself, I went with them, and we ate some yummy food in the cheap market. Here, outside food is cheaper than in restaurants, but in our village, all the rates are the same as there are no fancy restaurants over there.

We immediately returned, and as soon as we went inside, we saw Ace was waiting for us. As soon as he looked at me, his eyes went to my hands as I was holding Edward's hands...

"Nora, hurry up, inside my cabin," he said, and then left. I immediately went inside, washed my hands, and then went near him, and he just slammed a book.

"Aren't you being too clingy with everyone? What's the need to touch Edward's hands? Why?" He asked, getting pissed.

"Why can't I? I'm not your toy that you can control me. Okay, I can do whatever you want."

"Fine, then get out of this company. You are fired right now... Get lost, you idiot," he yelled at me, pushing me out so hard that I was about to fall down. He was so angry that his whole face turned red.

"Don't you dare to shout at me... You want to fire me, right... Fine, I'm getting out. I won't ever come back, and forget about your money," I said, and was getting out when I turned around. I saw Uncle Tharn was staring at us with wide eyes, rushing towards Ace. He immediately pulled him up by the collar.

"Apologize to him, apologize to him right now," he said, and Ace just pushed his dad away too, but gently.

"Never, I won't ever apologize to him, he-he's a..." He was about to say something when he stopped and walked inside the office room, slamming the door shut.

"I apologize on his behalf, please don't mind. He's just annoying sometimes. You don't need to leave this company," he said, and I just smiled.

"Don't worry, sir, it's between us... We are just like that, don't worry. I'm fine," I said, and smiling, he patted my shoulder and walked away.

I closed the main office so that no one watches the drama. I went in front of the door and began to knock. For half an hour, he didn't open it, but then I came up with an idea.

"Open the door, Ace. I don't like these silly dramas. Act like a boss, don't act like a young baby... Otherwise, call me uncle," I said, and he immediately opened the door and pulling me inside, he pushed me down on the bed. He pinned my hands and came closer. I felt my heart beat fast when I looked at Ace. His gaze made me feel scared, but somehow, I wanted it.

Ace lifted my chin gently, and I felt so many things when he touched me. We looked into each other's eyes, saying a lot without talking. Slowly, Ace came closer, and he kissed me softly. It felt like time stopped as we kissed, just like my dream. The kiss became intense when he grabbed my jaw and began to suck more while pushing his hands inside my shirt. I don't know why I'm letting him do that.

"You must be doing it with Edward and every other guy, right? That's why you don't react? Right, uncle? Who has no shame at all, just a pervert you are," he said, and I felt a sharp pain in my heart.

"No one has ever said these things to me, but he did... Standing up, I just slapped him harshly on his cheeks, not once but twice.

"Maybe you are a bitch, who kiss anyone without their consent. I felt you are a good guy inside but no, you proved me wrong," I said, and before he could say anything, I punched him hard that his mouth began to bleed... As I turned around, I saw TharnType uncle watching us.

Type angrily came towards me and launched a punch, but I held his hands and twisted it gently not to hurt him, as he's cute, and I never hurt cute guys, especially someone who's my crush.

"Why the hell did you hurt my son? Do you even know he..." Before he could say, I interrupted him.

"You are cute, but your son isn't. Teach him some manners; otherwise, I will definitely kill him next time. He kissed me and then called me a pervert... I would have sued him, but no, be grateful that your son is my boss and he somehow helped me a lot," saying that I walked out and went somewhere I don't know."

Never love youNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ