Chapter one

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The world we live in is a dark gloomy place where people forget what really matters most. They don't understand that some people have it a millions times better then others. I never really thought about it before. I always thought that my life was bad, that I had one of the worst lives possibly. But that's not true. Sure, there's a part in everybody life where they feel they are a living nightmare, or that their world is crashing down. Although we all have good lives compared to others.

Okay now that I've got that sappy speech out of the way, let me tell you a bit about myself. The name's Willow, Willow Evans. I'm pretty short, and have long caramel hair, and stormy gray, and blue eyes mixed together. Now, let me tell you something, I may sound pretty, but honey everyone's pretty, so it's not like I'm a drop dead beauty queen. I don't have much of a family, I have my older brother, my little sister, and our mom who recently got married. When she married I received two more siblings.

There's my older brother Jay, my little sister Ariana, my step sister (same age as me) Charlotte, and her twin brother Henry. They are all freaking dorks, but you learn to love them. Except when they try to wake me up, you're lucky if you can get out of my room before I get my fist in someone's face. Any who, this is probably getting boring, so let's get into this crazy story, of how I got locked up.


"Wake up sleeping beauty" I hear a song song voice say from a far off land. I turn the opposite way trying not to wake up.

"Come on, rise and shine!" They say louder waking me up. I groan as I swing my fist straight up hoping to smash my brother's face. Instead I hit a pillow he was using for a shield.

I sit up and give him a death glare, "Woah, forget what I said about sleeping beauty, you look like a freaking zombie." Jay laughs to himself.

I just get up and push him out of my room, I'm not dealing with his crap today. Then again, when do I ever? I go over to the mirror, and I hate to admit it, but he was right. I look like a zombie. I sigh as I get my hair brush and try to brush my hair, taking about a half and hour to get the knots out. I need a haircut before I end up looking like Rapunzal. I walk over to my closet and try to pick out an outfit.

My mom married some rich guy named David Evans, he owns his own business for something I never cared about, because I didn't bother to listen to the end of the conversation I was having with my mom about him. I was already busy being mad at her for betraying my dad. How could she? Any way, now I have way more then I need because he thinks he can impress me by giving me anything I set my eyes on, which is annoying. I mean seriously, he's a great guy and all, but he's not my dad.

In the end I wind up slipping on a blue dress that makes my eyes pop out. I curl my hair just a little bit and slip on ballet flats. Something I would never wear on a regular basis, but I change it up every once in a while. I grab my book bag and head downstairs into the kitchen. Jay, Charlotte, Henry, and Ariana are already stuffing their faces with pancakes getting their faces sticky.

I give them all a look of disgust, "Gross! You guys are pigs." I say as I go to the fruit bowl and pull out an apple to eat with a pancake without syrup.

"Aw, Would you like a kiss?!" Ariana says puckering her lips and getting close to kiss my cheek.

"No, gross Ariana! Stop hanging around with Jay, you're starting to act like him!" I squeal swatting her away from me. She just rolls her eyes and starts eating again making sure she makes me want to throw up.

After breakfast we all get ready to go out the door, shouting to our parents and going into our cars. I don't know the name of my car, like I actually care, but me, Char, and Henry hopped in ready to go to school. The one place that can tear people apart, not just the classes, but the people. People like bullies. They may be nothing compared to terrorists, but hey, at school they have the power to do whatever it takes to break you.

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