This ain't fair..

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Well, you read the title, the AI cooked tbh..

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled among the mountains, there lived twin brothers named Yoriichi and Michikatsu. They were inseparable, sharing not only their looks but also a deep bond that went beyond blood. However, there was one thing that set them apart - the fact that Michikatsu was born just minutes before Yoriichi.

Despite this small age difference, Michikatsu always saw himself as the older brother and took on the role of protector. Yoriichi, being the kind-hearted soul that he was, didn't mind and happily followed along. He loved his brother dearly and would do anything to keep him safe.

But recently, something had been troubling Yoriichi. Michikatsu had become involved with a man named Muzan, who seemed to have a dark and mysterious aura surrounding him. Yoriichi couldn't shake off the feeling that Muzan was bad news, especially considering the fact that he was a half-demon.

Yoriichi's concern for his brother's well-being grew stronger each day. He couldn't help but worry that Muzan might pose a threat to Michikatsu's life. The idea of Muzan losing control and potentially harming his brother haunted Yoriichi's thoughts.

This fear wasn't unfounded. Yoriichi vividly remembered an incident that occurred thirteen years ago when he was just eleven years old and Muzan was six. They were walking together in a serene bamboo forest when Muzan suddenly tripped and scratched his leg, leaving a deep cut. The pain caused Muzan to cry out loudly, drawing the attention of a nearby demon.

To Yoriichi's horror, he watched as Muzan's wound miraculously healed, but his eyes transformed from their usual light blue to a bright, menacing red. In that moment, Muzan pounced on the unsuspecting demon and devoured it without hesitation.

The memory of that gruesome scene still sent shivers down Yoriichi's spine. It served as a constant reminder of the potential danger that Muzan posed, not only to others but also to Michikatsu.

Now, faced with the dilemma of protecting his brother from the clutches of Muzan, Yoriichi knew he had to take action. But what could he do? How could he convince Michikatsu to see the truth about Muzan?

As Yoriichi pondered these questions, he realized that he needed to gather more information. He decided to seek advice from someone wise in the village, someone who could guide him on the right path. With determination in his heart, Yoriichi set off on a journey to find the answers he desperately sought.

Little did he know that this journey would not only test his courage but also reveal secrets that would change the course of their lives forever.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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