Chapters 201-210

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Chapter 201

Amethyst arrived at Mir city to her new home: Hazen castle, Alexcent's summer cottage. Hazen castle, which stood on a high cliff overlooking a beach, had the most magnificent view of the town and the ocean crashing against the rocks below.

Amethyst slept for a few days and cried like a mad person for another few. Then the cycle would repeat all over again. The few days she could bring herself to get out of bed, she spent walking on the beach. She tried what she could to put Alexcent out of her mind, but whenever she closed her eyes, he was there. Sometimes she would see him from the corner of her vision. He appeared in the faces of every person she met. In the night, she envisioned the shadows to be him, holding her close. She just couldn't let go.

The sand between her toes were hundreds of grains of regret. No matter how much she tried to brush it off, some remained. Looking out at the peaceful, calm horizon she cursed her heart for not being the same. She begged the god to stop this pain, but knew no one was listening.

"Lady, if it's not too rude, could I speak with you for a moment?"

Amethyst looked up with her empty eyes to the sound of the unfamiliar voice. A well-groomed man stood beside her on the beach.

"I noticed your beauty as you walked along the beach. I was wondering if I could interest you in dinner tonight?" The man gave her a false smile.

Lies, Amethyst thought. I don't look beautiful. I look like a crazy person. She shook her head and without saying a word, walked away from the man.

The stranger lost his smile, becoming upset for being ignored, and grasped Amethyst's arm to stop her from leaving.

Amethyst became enraged and withdrew the small pistol she carried with her, aiming it at the man's face. "Don't touch me! No one can touch me, not unless its him!"

"Lady, calm down....!" The man raised his hands and stepped back from her sudden anger.

She could see the shock on his face, but all she could think was that this man saw her as a wealthy woman of rank that he could prey upon. And his attempts to charm her almost got him killed. This man could see her as she currently was: crazy. Amethyst lowered the gun and returned to Hazen castle as the man ran for his life the other way.

As she entered the hall, a servant spotted the pistol in her hand. "Ma'am! Why do you have that?"

"This?" Amethyst asked, only realizing now that she still held the gun. "Some crazy bastard was trying to take advantage of me."

"There are many tourists in this city and some of them are not on their best behaviour. Also, there will be a festival soon so it's just going to get more crowded. Next time, ask one of us to accompany you."

"Next time? Will there be next time?" Amethyst had drifted into her own thoughts again.

"Pardon?" The servant seemed confused about what she was referring too.

"Never mind. I would like to wash up so can you please prepare a bath, and then I'll be ready for dinner."

"Yes, ma'am." The servant left to arrange for hot water.

After meeting the random stranger, it became clearer. There was only one person she would ever let touch her again. She knew that if she went back, it would only make thing worse than before. But she needed to go back.

Amethyst went to her chambers and disrobed. Standing in front of the mirror naked, she looked at her reflection. No matter how much she tried to envision her former self, she was no longer Heeyeon. So why was she being so cruel to herself? She just couldn't let anything go.

THE ROYAL DEAL (C)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant