~Forever And Always~

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(This might not be the greatest story but it was just a little idea I had one night so yeah but Im working on some other stories that I will release soon)

Background info:
Lucy and Tim are married. 
They have a daughter. (Zoe) (4yo)
Lucy is stressed with her exam. 
Tamara doesn't live with Lucy n Tim anymore she moved out into her own apartment. 

*buzz buzz buzz* that agitating sound of Lucy's alarm blasts at 5:45am as she jolts out of bed. Today's her last day to study before her big exam. She only has one problem. Tim is out on patrol all day and Zoe’s nursery is closed for the day due to maintenance work. 

Lucy had feared she wouldn't come up with a plan and that she'd have to take Zoe to work with her. How would she ever study if she's got to take care of her wild and carefree daughter. 

“Hey Tim. I'm going to make Zozo some breakfast. Could you please go wake her up and get her dressed” Lucy asks as she stands at the door of her bedroom watching Tim half asleep nod in agreement.

“Yeah sure. Let me just grab my shirt.” Tim says as he scavenges the floor of their bedroom looking for his shirt he had on last night.

“You're not going to find it down there” Lucy says as she laughs at Tim. He looks up to find Lucy standing all smug faced in his shirt. He laughs as he gets up to grab a new one from his drawers. 

“I told you to stop stealing my shirts, Luce,” he laughs.

“yeah well it's comfy and makes me look hot doesn't it?” she implies as she walks over towards Tim. 

“Hot indeed babe.” He reaches for Lucy's waist as he locks his eyes on her lips. She gathers his signs and pulls him in for a kiss.

“Now we really need to get a move on. I can't be late, I've got studying to do and other stuff.”

“Right. Oh also who's taking care of Zoe today? You know, seeing as the nursery is closed.”

Lucy's face removes all happiness as she glares at Tim. “Well that would be me. But I was hoping you could step down off patrol for the day and hang with her for a while till I get some studying in.”

Tim sighs as he walks with Lucy to the kitchen. 

“Luce. You don't need to study. You are going to ace this exam, you just need to take a break. Zozo would be such a relief from the stress of work and you'd get to have mother daughter bonding time. No worrying about the exam, getting hurt or anything. Just a carefree day with our daughter.”

Before Lucy could add on to that she hears a silent voice calling her name from the other room.

“could you please.” Lucy says as she stares at Tim begging him to just get Zoe ready for today. 

Like always, Tim caves in and goes to Zoe’s room and gets her dressed. 

As Tim had done so, Lucy had gotten her breakfast already. 

“Now Zozo. Me and daddy have lots of work to do but me and you can hang at the station together and read mama's flashcards for my big exam.”

Tim gives Lucy a blank stare. 

“what?” she asks. 

“I thought you were going to have a girls day. Not making our daughter sit and listen to you study for this exam.”

Lucy stares down at her daughter. “I'll find a way to entertain her just please. I want to study. I need to. ”

Tim sighs and nods as they all eat breakfast and head to the station.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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