1. you're sick in bed

17 0 7

a/n: its late, im bored. 🤷‍♀️ if anyone reads this i'll do any request idc what they are unless its heavily sexual


+ sits at the foot of your bed while u nap

+ has a movie marathon with u

+ "netflix is for losers"

+ gets you whatever you need within 0.2 miliseconds 

+ tells you silly stories while you rest

+bloodwitch cures all


+ makes you waffles

+ cuddles you "so you're not cold"

+ (she just wanted to cuddle you)

+ laughs with you

+ sits by you 🤩🤩🤩 CRISSCROSS APPLESAUCE 🤩🤩🤩

+ forehead kisses


+ holds you hair back when you throw up

+ tries to keep you entertained/find stuff for the two of you to do

+ plays board games

+ paints your nails 

+ "can you be unsick yet?"

a/n: ya im bored im prob never touching this again unless someone wants me to 😭✌️

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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