XXIV. I Knew It Then

Start from the beginning

"Anyway, have you spoken to your father lately? I hear he's got a new baby. Or will soon, maybe. I can't keep track of these things ─ Facebook this and that, Instagram, Tick Tock, whatever the hell... I miss when we got our information from the television, like when Princess Diana died, you know? Not to say I miss that particular moment in history. You know what I mean. If you had come just a little later in his career, you likely would've been on TV as well, did you know that?"

Annika shrugged. "Well, I had enough pictures taken of me to last a lifetime."

"Oi, you don't have to tell me. Your father, he loved to take you to that garage, but every morning I would wake up to new pictures of him holding you by the straps of your dungarees so you wouldn't touch the car, or eating crisps around all those power tools, my least favorite was when you were being hugged and kissed by all those people. It's a miracle you never caught the damn plague. I disinfected you every Monday."

"I remember," Annika smiled into her tea.

"Well. It's in the past. Have you spoken to your father?"

"Yeah. He stayed with me in Monaco for the race."

"Oh, that reminds me. We really must arrange a time for me to visit. I still have not seen the full flat of yours. And a dog! I am almost disappointed that you did not bring it with you."

Okay, so Renate was opening up an opportunity for leaving her controlled area. That was a good first step.

"Oh, I can't stay focused for a single second, can I? I mean to ask; your father ─ is he balding?"

"Uh... not that I noticed."

Renate nodded solemnly, but seemed to accept it with a heavy heart. "I understand." She checked her phone, still not seeming to have noticed her untouched tea. A scoff. "Your sister, I swear, she will drive me to an early grave. She's stopped at the shop."

Annika chuckled and took a bite of toast.

"Well, while she's out, we can talk." Renate decided. A bit tense, Annika nodded in agreement, expecting the fight to start. But instead, Renate smirked and gave Annika a sideways look. "So! How is the boyfriend?"

"Uh," Annika laughed awkwardly. "I wouldn't say boyfriend, um, yet. We are still working things out."


"And... um... he's really great." It was getting more awkward by the second, and she could feel an embarrassed blush creeping across her neck.

Renate twirled her hand as if to say go on...

"Uh, we shared a plane ride to get here."

"In... what way?"

"Ugh, Mama, no. His teammate was with us. And a lot of other people. Don't be weird."

"Okay, okay. When do I get to meet him?"

"Uh, well, you'd meet him this weekend if you tagged along to the race with us." Annika looked to her mother's eyes hesitantly, and was met with a sigh. "Come on, Mama. Really. I'd love for you to be there."

"No, I think I will wait for you to bring him to Christmas, thank you," Renate said politely, and plucked Annika's half-full cup of tea from her hands.

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