Chapter 1 • Feiry Start

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Trigger Warning: Detailed descriptions of gore.
Reader discretion is advised.

☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚

I jolted awake from my seat, my heart racing as I felt like I had just scaled a mountain and got back down in one frantic go. I reached towards my chest and clutched the fabric of my shirt, sweat dripping down my back as I catched my breath.

Did...I just have a dream? Or...was it a nightmare? I don't exactly remember the details, but I can feel the emotions that I experienced during that sleep spiel.

I took off my glasses as I rubbed the sleep off my eyes, pausing when I realized something. This...this place isn't the bus.

Putting my glasses back on, the blurry surroundings snapped back into focus. I realized I was inside a moving train car, it's steady rumble were too strange as I had gotten used to the bus's occasional bumpy ride. There were no trains that operated near my home nor school, so how did I end up here?

I can basically hear the frantic beating of my heart pounding against my chest. It doesn't look like I got kidnapped; my family had no money to give for ransom, and what kind of kidnappers would bring their hostages on a public transport?

"...calm down...and observe." I murmured to myself, silently looking around with my eyes. There were several people inside the train car, some people wore office uniforms, some wearing school uniforms, and the others wore casual outfits. All ordinary and told nothing of my current location.

I glanced outside the window of the train...I can't see anything because the train was currently running through a tunnel. So I just sighed and looked at my watch, it's past 6...almost 7 in the evening. Looking back up, my eyes landed on the glowing sign above one of the doors of the compartment, a strange feeling of dread run down my spine as I read the numbers; [3707]

It felt ominously familiar. It was just a number....but I felt a strange foreboding, as if something was bound to happen inside this very train car.

With a shaky sigh, I stood up from my seat, stretching my sore legs from seating too long. Trains are quite like buses, don't they? Since they make several stops...maybe I'll get off and try to find out where I am.

I move towards the exit, but then my shoulder collided into someone. I quickly turned around, apology ready to be said, but my words died down as I looked up—way up—towards the man I ran into.

Tall man with a chiseled face, dark hair glinting as it was hit by light, his attire was as dark as his frown. As I looked at him, I felt my blood run cold. There was this dangerous aura that radiated off this man...all seemingly familiar too...

And then, I almost stumbled forwards when the train suddenly came to a halt. The screeching of the railway gritting my ears as I gripped the pole for support. When the lurching of the train came to a halt, a disembodied voice rang, it's tone cold and ominous...almost robotic as it uttered the words:

[The free service of Planetary System 8612 has concluded.]

[The Main Scenario will now commence]

As the people inside the compartment with me were sent into a panic, my eyes stayed on the dark haired man. The words that I heard finally registering into my mind and I finally have a name for this man's face.

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