Chapter 21: Recovering

Start from the beginning

Cassandra: (Chuckles) Exactly.. it'll be a few days before your strength returns but hey.. on the bright side we do have a tv.. I don't know if you've noticed but your bedroom has one.. and we can always watch tv shows together (Smiles)

Joshua: I didn't know ya'll had tv's here

Bela: We do but we never use them.. but it'll be interesting to see what's on it

(A knock on the door interrupts them)

Cassandra: Come in

(Daniela enters the room with the man's food an drink)

Daniela: It's only me.. I have Joshua's food an drink here.. where are ya'll

Bela: We're in the bathroom giving the man a bath.. we'll be out in a few minutes

Daniela: Okie dokie.. is there anything I can do?

Cassandra: Find the tv remote and turn it on will you

Daniela: Will do

(Daniela finds the remote an turns the tv on...10 minutes go by and Bela an Cassie help the man out of the tub drying him off an helping him put on comfortable clothing.. once done they exit the bathroom an help Joshua in bed.. once in bed they hand the man his food an drink.. but before watching tv the girls go downstairs and also grab their food an drink.. but before they could leave they were greeted by Alcina)

Alcina: Such nimble little mouses (Chuckles) I know where you three are off to.. and before you say a word I'll allow it (Smiles) go be with the man you girls love

(The girls thanked their mother in unison as they went upstairs and join the man for breakfast watching tv together they were laughing at the idiocy what was going on in the show)

(Time Skip)

(As everyone finished eating Bela kindly took the plates an glasses down to the kitchen for the maids to clean.. after that they she goes back upstairs to join the others as they were all relaxing staying by the mans side...while the day continues on Alcina was being called by mother Miranda)

Alcina: Hello

Miranda: Good morning Alcina

Alcina: Good morning mother Miranda.. to what I owe the pleasure of this call?

Miranda: How is Joshua doing today?

Alcina: His body is still weakened but he's in good health from the sounds of it.. you saved his life and you made my daughters happy...if they lost the man they loved they wouldn't eat or come out of their rooms for days or even months

Miranda: I'm glad I was able to prevent that from happening as I saw your daughters mourning .. but luckily I was able to revive him.. and it seems the antidote worked well didn't it

Alcina: It did (Smiles)

Miranda: Good (Smiles) and I also bring good news

Alcina: What is it?

Miranda: So the blood sample I collected from the child's father it appears his blood is enough for me to bring my daughter back instead of using his daughter rose as a vessel.. I can mix the mold with the blood of the child's father an bring back my daughter Eva (Spoke excitedly) I have been going about this all wrong.. I thought that I could use rose but it seems I won't have to

Alcina: That is wonderful news to hear mother Miranda.. but what of the child's father's fate in my castle.. let him go or let him die

Miranda: That choice is yours to make.. but for now I must go.. I will speak to you again soon

Alcina: Of course.. talk to you later mother Miranda (Hangs up the phone)

(While Alcina was in her chambers contemplating on what to do.. back in the room the girls were still by the man's side making sure he's ok)

(Time Skip)

As the day was nearing it's end.. it was now 6 PM.. down in the dungeon Ethan Winters has been begging someone to help him but to no avail his call has not been answered...back in the room one of the girls woke up)

Cassandra: Sisters.. Joshua time to wake up

Bela: W-what time is it?

Cassandra: It's 7 PM dinner will begin in about two hours so while you two help Joshua get ready.. I will go an see what mother has planned

Daniela: Ok

(Cassandra puts on her hooded dress and leaves the room making her way to her mothers chambers she knocks on the door)

Alcina: Come in

(Cassie enters the room)

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