Games: PeanutButterjared or Progamer

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Not an actual ship but I do ship PeanutButterGamer and Projared

If you don't know what Hey You Pichachu is you should watch the vid

Pbgs POV

I drove up to Jareds house and got out of my car. I brought Hey You Picachu for him to record and me to laugh. This is gonna be so flipping funny! I barged in and found Jared in his recording room. "Hey guys, I'm just waiting for Pbg to show up, then we can start!" He announced. "He's bringing a game for the Nintendo 64."

I sat down without him noticing. "We're going to be playing-"

I got cut off by him screaming. A few minutes later I continued with my intro. "As I was saying, we're-er... Jared is gonna be playing one of my actual top ten games, that I actually put on my actual top ten list... Hey You Picachu!" I took it out with a flourish and popped it in the N64.

Jared played it for a few minuets and screamed in frustration. "Ya give up?" I asked laughing.

"No!" Jared shouted. "Never!"


A few hours passed. "Why is this game so crappy?" He asked.

"Crappy voice controls." I snorted trying to hold in my laughter.

Jared sighed. "I give up!"

"Awww..." I sighed disappointedly then burst out laughing. "So what do you rate this?"

"I rate this, a Jigglypuff out of ten." Jared stated. "I tried, but no. Just no."

"Yeah, this is why I brought the game!" I exclaimed.

Jared playfully glared at me and I just smiled.

"See you all next time!" Jared ended the recording.

"Wasn't that fuuuun?" I asked.

"Nope." He smiled.

"Good." I joked. "Anyways, let's go get food!"

We went to the kitchen and grabbed some chips, pop, popcorn and other stuff. "Netflix?" Jared asked.

"Yup." I nodded.

We sat on the couch and watched Pokémon. Jared was resting his head on my shoulder and I was resting my head on his... Um... Head. There was hardly any space between us. "Jared are we cuddling?" I asked.

"Yeah. I think so." Jared replied.

"Hm." I nodded.

He blinked a few times. "We're... Cuddling..."

We sat there like that for a bit.

Are we PeanutButtterjared or Progamer?

I do gud?


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