Chapter 6: Well, he got a little shooken 😏😏😏

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'▪︎~《~~ Cheesy's POV ~~》~▪︎'


Okay, Cheesy, just try to remember what you're doing - so, you're running away from Trophy because you stole his camera!

Yeah, okay.




OH, THIS ISN'T GOUDA *internal knee slap*

/•• Flashback ••\

I was on my bed, trying to figure out new jokes to tell everyone around the hotel, well, specifically, Trophy.

Ahhhh… Trophy :] I wish I was as tall as him.. Seriously, why do I have to brie so small? *another internal knee slap*

Anyway, I looked around my room to find some kind of inspiration! Trophy wasn't here, so luckily, I wouldn't look weird in front of him.

I look to my left to see Trophy's camera… Huh…. I've never seen his camera alone! He must've forgotten to bring it


Y'know what, why don't I just look through the camera roll? :]

So I got up and walked over to Trophy's nightstand. I quickly looked at the door before steal-. I MEAN- ✨️BORROWING✨️ his camera

Luckily, he wasn't there. So I took the camera and sat on my bed.

I stared at it for a while. “How the fuck do you work a camera?” I muttered, as I fiddled with a few buttons.

Suddenly, I opened it's gallery which gave me a fright, causing me to jump and nearly fall off my bed like an idiot

I began flicking through the pictures and WOW. THEY LOOKED AMAZING. Such true talent from such a HANDSOME MAN :D

Okay… let's see what we got….

Flowers, me, me again, Knife's doll, me…



I continued to quickly look through the camera's gallery to realize that I of all people took up the majority of the gallery….

Huh…. Sweet-

My thoughts with the door slamming open. It was Trophy. S h i t.

“Hey twerp, have you seen my…” Trophy's voice trailed off as he looked at me, holding his camera

“uh- it's not what it looks like Troph-ster-”

/•• Back to present ••\

Ohhhh yeah. He looked so hot :]

I wish I could just f- OOP-

I accidently tripped over someone's foot and fell to the floor. I heard her giggle and walk away, how'd I know if it's a girl? None of your business :]

 I heard her giggle and walk away, how'd I know if it's a girl? None of your business :]

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Trophy suddenly picked me up, I was panicking in my head.

“What. The. Fuck. DON'T YOU DARE TAKE MY STUFF.” Trophy yelled, I think I was blushing. I WAS SO CLOSE TO HIS FACE AAAAAAAA

He sets me down, snatches his camera off the floor and walks away

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

He sets me down, snatches his camera off the floor and walks away. I stood there flabbergasted. No. ✨️FLUSTERED✨️

“Holy shit. How am I not dead?” I asked myself as I stood up and brushed my knees[?] [HELP DO THEY EVEN HAVE KNEES?]

“Heyyy zesty bestie!!!!!!” I recognised that voice, it was Lightbulb!!!

“Oh! Hi Lighty! Wait… tf did you call me?”
SHHHHHHHHHHH. Shut it. Sooooooo….. Trophy, Huh?😏😏😏”

“Oh shut up!” I said as I blushed slightly. Lightbulb gently nudged my shoulder and pointed at Trophy. I SWEAR I WILL END HER IF SHE DOESN'T S T O P. [LOL, I always do this to one of my besties. XD]

“Anyways why tf did you call me a ‘Zesty bestie'?’” I asked Lightbulb. She simply shrugged

“I just thought it sounded funny!” She replied while smiling

×—’ Ms P's POV ‘—×

Ugh…. I've been waiting for long enough… I'm sick and tired of keeping this to myself.

But just for shits and giggles, I purposely tripped that jokester over.

I entered my room and flopped on my bed. “How will I ask her? Sir Cobs gave me some advice… but then again…. I've heard he's done some bad things… but I trust him!

Then, she comes in. Salt…

“Like, hi preppy bestie!!!” Salt says as she sits next to me while setting a whole bunch of bags on the floor.

“Hiya Salty Salt!! Where'd you go??” I asked, fiddling with the bed's blanket

“Oh! I just went on a shopping spree! I just got some new make-up so I can impress OJ!!” Salt replies, searching through one of the many bags that laid in front of us both

“Oh…. Okay then!”

“Well? Do you wanna try some out with me?”

“Uh… sure!”

“Come on, Pepper!! Let's go!!”

[MS P REVEAL!!!!!! :D Anyways, I told y'all I'll be faster >:D]

739 Words


Comedy Gold [REBOOT!!!]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin