In the flesh?

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Crowds gather together around Sue Sylvester as for she was about to birth. She lyeth on the ground and spread eagle... suddenly there was nothing but loud thumps felt through the ground and the villagers started panicking. Must be an earthquake they thought. But them BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM 💥 POP WOOOOSHHHH. The baby was born. The crowds gasp.....

St Iván: my my what a fugly child why musted thus be the first male born. We must be cursed no males for 15 years and then this.... This.. Can non other be a warning from Lord Of the Fuglys. We must banish this child from thyth kingdom immediately!!!!!!!

Lady GaGa Small gay child: No drop him now! He was born this way baby!! Put ur paws up monsters!

St Ivan: I see well I cannot argue with my village I will make u a deal. If this hideous lard tub doesn't grow into his features by age thoeth 10 and if no other males have been born by then, he must be banished FOREVER!!!! SQUEEEEEK

Lady Gaga small gay child: Kk 🤗😜

Sue returned home absolutely furious. She knew what she had to do. She locked Bartholomew Funglionton Bonfuglio Sylvester in the hall closet with nothing but a large bucket of lard and 3 pudding cups. She knew the disgusting piglet would be able to survive on that for atleast a week. She wouldn't have to even think about him and now she had time to think of a plan to make sure nobody else births a boy in the mean time.

[time went by]

The village of st Ivan once such a happy place filled with hope and excitement now just filled with sorrow and everybody was comfortably numb. No boys born and the only one there is now 5 years old and still very unfortunate in the face and body regan. Booohooooo the villagers constantly cried.
St Ivan couldn't just sit around and watch his groupies fall into depression so he did what he had to do. He gathered his knights and devised a plan. A plan so dangerous no other pimp had ever dreamed of doing. St Ivan was going to the land of fuglyville to duel with Lordeth Though Ugly Mother Fucker Fuck You You Fucking Piece Of Shit I Hate You So Much You Ruined My Life And Made Me Hate Myself And Dragged my nuts Around For Months And I Still Liked You Cuz I Felt A Jodi Arias Kinda Way For You Thank God I Got Over You Ugly Motherfucking Cock Sucking Lips Looking Ass The Ugliest of Them All.
     St Ivan knew this was very dangerous as he himself could be cursed with the ugly but he knew if he won the duel he would be granted one wish from that fugly troll. St Ivan knew he had to do this for the sake of his bitches.

St Ivan and his men set sail

To be continued......

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