17 | Replacements

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"However, a newly formed band of rebels are working to reclaim their home, and they have made contact with the Republic. There's talk of the war spreading there"

She furrowed her brows together, then rubbed her temple to process the fresh information. "I'm assuming if the Republic decides to help, the 501st will be sent to assist"

"A likely decision"

She reached up, using her thumbnail to scrap off a bit of unknown debris that was caked to the blue shoulder armor that swept along the top of his chest. "Always on the move" she brushed invisible dirt from the other end of his armor.

Ahsoka Tano moved swiftly from the temple entrance, growing closer to the General and the Clone Trooper. "Master Ky!" she called, her voice hinting at urgency. Dakota pulled her hand away, taking a step back to gain distance. "the Jedi Council has summoned you to the chamber. They said it's urgent, but they didn't give any specifics."

Dakota's brow furrowed in concern, her mind racing with possibilities as she turned to Rex, a silent question in her eyes. Rex's expression mirrored her own.

"Thank you, Ahsoka," Dakota replied, her voice steady despite the uncertainty. "I'll go at once."

With a nod to Rex, Dakota made her way towards the Jedi Temple with Ahsoka next to her. She stole one last longing stare to the Captain before wiping her face of the expression and facing frontward. Being summoned to the Council chamber at such a short notice felt reminiscent of her days as a Padawan, where she'd get herself into trouble and be scolded by the Masters at the center of the circle.

As she walked, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air, a premonition of events yet to unfold in the hallowed halls of the temple.


A sense of solemnity descended upon the room. The Jedi Masters sat waiting with patience around the circular array of cochairs, watching her with masked eagerness. They wouldn't admit it outright, but they were anticipating how she would react to the news. Ahsoka, her presence now fading into the shadows, offered Dakota a reassuring nod before quietly slipping away, leaving her to face the Council.

With measured steps, Dakota approached the center of the chamber, her gaze meeting the intense scrutiny of the Jedi Masters seated before her. Among them were familiar faces – her former Master Mace Windu, the venerable Plo Koon, and the wise Yoda, their expressions unreadable as they awaited her. Obi-Wan sat with his ankle propped on his opposite knee, even his face was unreadable.

Was it Rex? Did they know? Did they-

It was Yoda who spoke first, his voice a calming presence in the tense silence that enveloped the chamber. Her body was lax, with steady hands and dull eyes, but every wild thought plotted her trajectory, and her escape from this moment.

"Master Ky," he began, his tone gentle and friendly. "called you here, the Council has, for a matter of great importance."

Dakota nodded solemnly, her senses on high alert as she prepared herself for whatever news the Council had to deliver. With a deep breath, she steeled herself for the revelations that awaited her. She cut her eyes to Obi-Wan, inquiring for some scraps of understanding.

Master Yoda motioned his cane to the one empty seat, two seats away from Obi-Wan, in between Ki Adi Mundi and Shaak Ti. She slowly balled up her first, out of sight from them to witness. Sharp fingernails imbedded into her palms. "A vacant seat on our council, we have, due to the tragic death of Master Depa Billaba."

Afterglow II | The Clone WarsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang