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chapter 71

Su Yi raised her head stiffly and looked at the gorgeous woman standing in front of her.

Lin Meijing's facial features are very graceful, but her makeup is really not flattering. Those exaggerated bright colors and revealing clothes outline a sexy figure, always reminding everyone of her status as a coquettish bitch.

Moreover, there have been rumors in the company that she has an ambiguous relationship with Mr. Long, and she herself does not shy away from others at all. Not only does she not feel embarrassed, but she also feels quite proud of it.

At this moment, she raised the corners of her mouth, with a mysterious but gloomy smile on her face: "Su Yi, why did you come to Mr. Long's office? You don't look good. What message on your phone can scare you like this?"

Panic ? Nervous emotions are almost never shown on Su Yi's face. Faced with such dangers, she will always be calmer than ordinary people.

She can't really tell Lin Meijing, the message on the phone tells me that you are not a human being.

She said calmly: "Mr. Long asked me to come. He was in a meeting and asked me to come and get the documents. She said you know what he needs."

Lin Meijing was stunned for a moment with her smooth language, firm eyes, and confident tone. He put away his provocative smile and opened the drawer: "Let me find it for you. Mr. Long, why are you always so careless? What will he do if I don't follow him? He won't be able to play with it at all. "

The tone was very affectionate and a little doting.

Su Yi noticed that the diamond ring on her hand was very shiny and almost exactly the same as the one on Mr. Long's hand. It was obviously a couple's ring.

She also noticed the photo on Mr. Long's desk, which showed a group photo of five people. It turned out to be Mr. Long, Aunt Zheng, Lin Meijing, a young girl in a white dress, and an ordinary middle-aged man.

Facing the camera, they smiled quite happily.

"These are the photos we took when the building was just completed and the company was first established." Noticing her gaze, Lin Meijing picked up the photo frame with some joy, "These are the people who want Aaron in the end, so he cherishes them very much." Us."

Could it be that these people in the photo are the ghosts hiding in the building?

But they are almost indistinguishable from ordinary people, so how can we identify their existence.

A bright light flashed in Su Yi's mind, and she already had a clue.

Picking up the documents given by Lin Meijing, she hurried out of the office, and belatedly realized that her back was soaked with cold sweat.

Wang Duocong, who was bored, flirted with seven or eight young and beautiful female colleagues, and finally thought of sending a message to Su Yi, using the most precious information he had obtained to gain a good impression. He felt that Su Yi was a high-level player like himself, so he must If they can get out alive, they can not only help each other in the dungeon, but also continue to develop some feelings beyond friendship after they get out.

After all, he hadn't met such a beautiful woman for a long time. If he couldn't get his hands on her, it would be really embarrassing and embarrassing.

However, Su Yi neither responded nor replied after receiving the message, which made Wang Duocong feel very unhappy. He felt that he had been tricked.

Su Yi lied to him about important information and ignored him.

He remembered that Su Yi was on the seventh floor, so he wanted to argue with her aggressively. As soon as he walked into the elevator with his cell phone in hand, his face immediately turned ugly, and he said hello with difficulty: "Lin, Secretary Lin."

The smell of perfume on Lin Meijing's body became stronger and stronger, as if it was covering up some smell. She glanced at the nervous Wang Duocong lightly, her eyes becoming more and more seductive.

The next second, the whole person was wrapped around Wang Duocong's body like a water snake. A pale face with bright red lips was pressed against his pores. His voice was low and full of temptation: "Why are you so nervous and all dressed up?" Lenghan, are you afraid of me? But when you first came to the building, you looked at me a lot and added my contact information to develop a relationship with me. Why, do you not like me at all? "

Wang Duocong? His legs began to tremble. Faced with a beautiful and fierce ghost who had to take revenge, he didn't dare to say the three words "I don't like it".

The space in the elevator is small, the atmosphere is ambiguous, and the scene quickly develops in an unspeakable direction.

Wang Duocong has seen countless women and considers himself a master of picking up girls, but he really can't handle this kind of thing, and he is scared to death. However, the other party's actions are getting more and more excessive, which makes him sweat more and more, sweating the size of soybeans. Zhu clattered into the elevator.

Lin Meijing's face suddenly turned livid, her eyes were hollow and lifeless, and one eyeball fell to the ground. Countless pairs of women's hands stretched out from the elevator and firmly grasped Wang Duocong.

The female ghost in the middle was like a queen, with a cruel and cold voice: "A man as lecherous as you shouldn't be so afraid of me. Unless you know something, do you know that I am a human?"

Sweating like a waterfall, Wang Duocong shouted. : "Not a human! Of course you are not a human, you are a fairy. Lin Meijing, how can you do this to me? You, such a beautiful fairy-like woman, are clearly wearing another man's ring, and you still come to seduce me. This Aren't you going to stop thinking about food and drink, and I can't live without you?"

Lin Meijing's sharp nails were already close to Wang Duocong's aorta, because these words came to life. Stopped moving.

There was a momentary hesitation on her face, and then she turned her face slightly sideways, as if she heard something.

In an instant, the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood in the elevator disappeared and turned into a normal car again.

She patted Wang Duocong's shoulder with her jelly-colored manicure, and said with a smile: "Maybe you should have this time in your life. Goodbye."

The elevator door opened, and Lin Meijing walked out without doing anything. .

Wang Duocong knelt directly on the ground and began to breathe heavily. The confined space was filled with the strong smell of perfume.

"Little brother, what's wrong with you? How come you're so estranged after we haven't seen each other all morning?" Suddenly a pair of hands pulled Wang Duocong up. He actually admired his boss, Minister Li, "I didn't know that our company Are the toilets and elevators the most dangerous? How dare you stay here?"

Wang Duocong turned his head to look at Minister Li with difficulty and smiled bitterly.

"Look at your virtue, it's as if your essence has been sucked away by a female ghost. You're too young and you can't handle beautiful women at all." Minister Li had a knowing smile on his face, "When you meet a beautiful woman, you You still have to introduce me to my brother first, and I will help you check everything."

Minister Li took Wang Duocong to the lounge on their floor. He was busy in the tea room behind him and was still mumbling something. : "Young people today are not very good. Back then, I took Mr. Long, who had just joined the company, to a nightclub. He was not as lively as you."

Wang Duocong was still immersed in the fear of being touched by Lin Meijing just now. His skin He was scrambling to squeeze out goosebumps as if recalling the feeling just now, while the other hand had gradually grown out of circles of hair and sharp claws.

He cursed secretly: "These damn animal genes will come out uncontrollably when emotions get excited."

The outline of his ears was no longer round, but orange-yellow hair gradually grew, and the edges were The horns reveal the sharp edge of black animal ears, and the hearing becomes more sensitive.

On the other side of the lounge, Minister Li always had a smile on his face. He opened the bottom drawer, took out a pure white mask inside, and took off his generous and honest black-rimmed glasses. Wearing a white mask.

Black leather shoes stepped on the thick floor. He walked towards Wang Duocong step by step from behind, with an exaggerated and weird smile on his face, and said faintly: "Little brother, do you know? We had an affair with the system a long time ago. When playing a game, as long as we can distinguish among all our colleagues who are visitors from another world called 'players', the system will continuously provide us with fresh souls, struggling and delicious souls."

Dai . The masked Minister Li was like a ghost whose movements could not be seen clearly. He was surprisingly fast and grabbed Wang Duocong by the throat before he could react.

Wang Duocong, who was on the verge of suffocation, thought of the two players who died before. One died of suffocation and the other died of an axe.

She also recalled Lin Meijing's meaningful expression on the elevator. It was not because he flattered her and let him go, but because a more powerful devil appeared and Lin Meijing had to retreat.

The end-of-day bell rang throughout the building, and the melodious melody put smiles on the faces of colleagues who lined up to clock in.

It's a pity that Su Yi and Chen Xiaoqing couldn't laugh. There were fewer and fewer colleagues leaving, and the building began to become eerie and weird again. And their activity area as players is also fixed here. Some players wanted to leave before, but were stopped by security guards. Their cards could not be swiped out.

In the previous night, apart from the man in the white dress and the mask, it seemed that only Amy went crazy once during the day, but she was stopped by Su Yi. Now Amy is still in a coma, and there is a high probability that she cannot harm others.

Including Lin Meijing, she has found the four ghosts in the building, but there is no prompt about the progress of the task. It seems that she still needs to discover the heart-warming stories behind these people. And she hasn't seen the hidden ghost king yet.

Click click click, Chen Xiaoqing is not as sad as her, she is always very happy, constantly putting snacks in her mouth, and even goes so far as to feed the fetal ghost on Su Yi's shoulder from time to time, just like feeding a monkey.

Listening to the clicking sound in her ears, Su Yi's face turned green.

This little ghost monkey has such a big mouth that it can chew several adults to death without any problem. Only Chen Xiaoqing still has a childish heart and finds everything cute, and even keeps this thing as a pet.

"Su Yi, why do you look so bad? Don't you like the little monkey? He is so cute, and his teeth are so healthy." Chen Xiaoqing pinched the potato chips with an innocent look on her face.

"First of all, a healthy child shouldn't have a mouth full of more than 200 teeth." Su Yi said helplessly, "Secondly, don't give other children random nicknames. Amy might come after you when she wakes up, and you won't be able to deal with it yourself. Don't talk nonsense."

"That's right, I can only run around." Chen Xiaoqing was quite proud. "My sister once praised me. Although I am useless, I can run fast."

Suddenly, there was a crunch. There was a strange sound, and Su Yi noticed that the fetal ghost on her shoulder suddenly became nervous, and its small claws dug into the flesh of Su Yi's shoulder.

"Su Yi, why do you look ugly again?" Chen Xiaoqing finally felt something was wrong.

"Stop talking." Su Yi yelled, then took her hand and started running, "The walls are moving, this room is shrinking."

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