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chapter 51

When Laura talked about scrapping, her whole body was shaking uncontrollably, as if she was very afraid of that scene.

But Chu Shen still refused to give up, and then asked: "What will happen if it is scrapped?"

Laura's upper and lower teeth were chattering, and she was too scared to speak.

"Okay, let me change the question." Chu Shen changed his expression to a more docile one, but his tone was very cold, "Then I want to ask, we have been here as guests for so long, why has the countess never appeared? This is Her hospitality? Where is Princess Sofia? Is this your etiquette as a noble if you are the host


Chu Shen's pupils changed color slightly, and his dark green pupils stared at Laura. At that moment, Laura seemed to be bewitched by something, staring at Chu Shen, her lips moved, and she was about to say something, but was interrupted by an old voice.

"Dear guests, I am very sorry to have brought you a bad feeling. I am Bosch, the Countess' butler. If you have any questions, you can ask me. An ignorant maid cannot know more than me. From From now on, every guest has a chance to ask me, and I will give an answer." A middle-aged man in a tuxedo appeared at the door. He looked dusty, but his clothes were meticulously decorated, full of the rituals of an aristocratic butler. The sense and the kind of airiness that you hold up.

All in all, from his clothes to his demeanor, he looks like the best watchdog of a nobleman. He is bluffing and arrogant, which is very unpleasant.

"I can ask you any questions, right?" Jingrang thought about his question and almost laughed out loud at his own naivety. "Then just tell us where Princess Sophia is."

"Your Highness, she is naturally here. We are in a castle." The old housekeeper stretched out his arms exaggeratedly, "After losing Her Royal Highness, the lady became even more haggard and shed tears all day long. Because she was too haggard, she was recuperating and could not see guests."

He said so . Say the same thing.

The player wanted to take advantage of a loophole in the rules to ask for clues from the NPC, but the NPC was not stupid. He directly changed the topic, making the answer invalid.

Gu Hai, a man with one eye and a bandage, glanced at Chu Shen and Jing Ran with a contemptuous expression. He said to the old housekeeper: "Are there any monsters above S level in this castle?"

"Sir, there are not. You don't have to worry. "The old housekeeper seemed to understand his question, and this time he gave the answer calmly.

Half of the face and hands of this man in black were bandaged, and he looked full of evil spirits. He was probably not weak in combat ability. He asked this question to make sure that even if he went out in the middle of the night and encountered a monster, he would be able to do it. The hard time was over, so he felt more relaxed after learning the answer.

He was originally a killer, and he came to this dungeon with a mission. He didn't really care whether the game was successful or not.

The remaining people didn't want to waste their questions, so they didn't plan to ask.

Only Gu Li raised her hand tremblingly, and she spoke cautiously: "Mr. Butler, I still feel that Sister Yao died to save me. I want to know where her flesh and blood is. Can you answer my question? "

In the restaurant, dear lady." The butler's attitude became much more respectful and his expression became very kind.

"Mr. Butler, you have just come back from outside. I want to know what work you have just completed for the countess." After observing for a long time, Su Yi said decisively, "Please tell me the truth."

"This respected and beautiful lady , I just came from the market in the west. I not only have to prepare for the wedding of Princess Sophia and Prince Hywell, but also go to the market to buy many gypsy girls. After all, there are not enough girls in the castle, so I need them. Add more." Fortunately, the steward was not vague about this issue and explained it clearly.

Of course no one was stupid enough to ask him, why does your countess need a girl? That is definitely not a good thing, and apart from the chef, maid and housekeeper, no one has appeared in this huge castle so far.

The man with glasses next to the red-haired woman muttered: "Need a gypsy girl? Isn't this countess the legendary vampire lady? According to legend, in order to keep her appearance immortal, she drained the blood of girls and bathed herself. Such a It's so disgusting that the old woman still wants to keep her youth and beauty.

"Shut up! Please take back what you said. I won't allow anyone to insult the countess." The butler, who had always had a low eyebrow, suddenly became furious and stood up to the man with the glasses. In front of him, "Please apologize to Madam immediately, otherwise I will expel you from the castle immediately."

The man with glasses was startled. He didn't expect that his little talk to himself would get such a big reaction from the housekeeper, so he immediately waved his hand: " I was wrong and I apologize. I shouldn't have made irresponsible remarks to the owner of this place."

The housekeeper suppressed his anger and asked everyone to move around as they pleased. Just come to the lobby during lunch and rehearse the dance.

"It's really strange. I must have been right. Otherwise, why would the housekeeper be so angry?" After the housekeeper left, the man with glasses was still complaining angrily, "He really scared me to death just now. He was like an old madman. I guess I got angry."

"There are indeed stories about the vampire Count Mary in European history." Gu Li approached Su Yi and whispered, "Because I have studied some history and know a little bit about vampires. The prototype of the noble lady is the medieval Countess Elizabeth Tolia. Rumor has it that she kidnapped young girls for their youth and beauty and poured their blood on herself. But I also heard another theory that other nobles wanted to overthrow her rule. Therefore, the red potion used by the countess to treat diseases was deliberately said to be the blood of a girl. Those people deliberately slandered her and vilified her in order to overthrow her."

Su Yi nodded noncommittally: "After all, no one has really seen the count. Madam, this view is also possible."

"Really? Do you think so? Sister, you are so kind." Gu Li looked at Su Yi in surprise, "I told others about my research before. They will all think I'm talking nonsense. Only you are willing to listen to me and agree with my opinion."

Su Yi: You don't have to think so, she just treats others gently.

She stood up and prepared to go to the garden to look for clues. Chu Shen followed her obediently like a little tail. Now, Gu Li was very fond of her and followed her.

The remaining 13 players were also divided into groups to explore individually.

In front of the castle is a large garden. The green shrubs inside have been built into a maze by gardeners, and you can't see the edge at all. Of course, no player is stupid enough to want to go out and take a look. Everyone knows that going against the system's wishes will not end well.

Su leaned close to the blood-red roses. She seemed to be possessed by a demon. She always felt that the bright colors of this large area of ​​roses seemed to be full of blood.

Suddenly, a fluffy rabbit head stuck out from the bushes: "Dangdang, you have discovered me. Chef Rabbit invites you to participate in a side mission maze game. Do you accept it?" A

prompt message pops up on the phone at the same time, asking the players if they want to Willing to play a maze game with Chef Rabbit.

Su Yi pursed her lips: "What will happen if the game succeeds, and what will happen if it fails?"

"If the game succeeds, you will get the help of Chef Rabbit. If you fail, you will become Chef Rabbit's ingredients." The rabbit's ears waggled, and he used He said creepy words in a gentle tone.

Su Yi thought of the seafood soup again and almost vomited.

"Okay, I promise to start the game with you." Chu Shen looked at Chef Rabbit with a smile, "But what are the rules of the game? Will you come to us, or will we come to you?"

"Of course I'm here to find you." Chef Rabbit's red eyes instantly turned pitch black. He held the boning knife in both hands and his smile became more evil.

"But that's so boring." Su Yi instantly understood what Chu Shen meant, and was about to use her nonsense skills to fight, "You are so familiar with this place, and you have played hide and seek with so many players. This is very important to you." It's too simple, no challenge. Chef Rabbit, don't you want your game to be more exciting and enjoyable?"

Rabbit's ears twitched and his tone became excited: "Do you have any good suggestions? "

Let's change the rules of the game. You will be the kid and the three of us will be the kings. If we find you before dark, we will win. If we can't find you, you will win. We will volunteer to be your food." His eyes are sincere and his words are full of bewitching.

"It seems quite interesting. Let's start. Hehe." Chef Rabbit got into the bushes in small groups and disappeared instantly. It seemed that the game had already begun.

"It actually agreed? Is it stupid?" Gu Li opened her eyes wide and was in disbelief. She had never seen a player fool an NPC to death with just a few words. As a newcomer, she was completely dumbfounded. .

"Since it dares to agree, we are absolutely sure that we can't find it." Su Yi said calmly, "It is very familiar with this place, and it is also a rabbit that is good at hiding. We have almost no advantage." "

Then . How can we find it? Isn't that just looking for a needle in a haystack?" Gu Li looked troubled.

Su Yi glanced at Chu Shen: "Then I can only count on some people."

"Ah, Yiyi, my eyes hurt." Chu Shen suddenly covered his eyes and said seriously, "Maybe I overused my eyes last night. My eyes hurt and I can't use them anymore. I need to blow them to get better. Please blow them for me."

Su Yi: Are you a three-year-old child?

In the end, she endured her anger and stood up on tiptoes to give Chu Shen a blow in her eyes. Gu Li looked at the two of them suspiciously, and after Chu Shen stepped forward, she whispered: "Although, Sister Su Yi, why does your face look so familiar?" Are the tomatoes as red?"

Su wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawled into it. Yi: I have nothing to say.

Obviously, the task of finding the rabbit chef was much more difficult than imagined. They searched the entire maze, and sure enough they could not find the rabbit chef. It was well hidden and had no worries about being discovered.

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