A Different Demon

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Hallo! I noticed that Sebastian is a fan favorite fandom. So, I decided I should make a SebastianxReader. Unlike my other BB fanfiction, this one will actually take place in the correct era! So, I hope y'all like this one shot. Have fun reading! *runs away*


I woke up from my nap screaming as I felt a horrible pain strike my back. I threw the blanket aside and rushed to the bathroom to check my back. I looked in the mirror and saw my (eye color) eyes morph into a really light shade of purple. As the purple began to dominate my irises I saw a crimson red ring form around my pupils, outlining them. Within the ring was a tiny, light red circle orbiting it continuously. I began freaking out as I felt a piece of my skin rip. I took of my shirt and turned my back to the mirror, my eyes still fixed on the mirror. I saw the large bumps on my back were half ripped. Those bumps were there about 3 months ago but I could swear that they were a lot smaller than now. I never told my parents about them. I was too scared, too scared that this was not normal. I could see wing-like shapes folded under my skin, it begin glowing. I shrieked as I felt the rest of the skin on my back rip, cracking the mirror. My parents rushed in and gasped to see that I now had wings attached on my back, an obvious eye discoloration, and tears streaming down my face. The wings were white with red tips and they were humongous! They were so large that they touched the hard floor and took up most of the space in the room when I spread it out. "Mom? Dad? What's going on? Is this normal?" I said, my face pale. They looked at each other and nodded. When they looked back at me I can see worried faces concealed by their tiny smiles. "Um sweetie? What would you say if we told you that demons and angels really do exist?" My eyes widened as I heard those words come from mother's mouth. "I-I would laugh and say you're funny and crazy and that they only exist in fairytales but...then...why do I have wings?"I replied visibly shaken. "Well, see we're sorry, we could've told you before but we were afraid you weren't ready. So, don't freak out now but I'm a demon and your mom...she's an...angel, a-and see, there's this rule that states that demons and angels can't be together but because we are, the angel and demon council are trying to find us and when they do...they'll kill us all. So, make sure you hide your wings okay?" Father said before leaving. I put my shirt on and in seconds, my father was back with one of my dresses in his arms. The dress was white and made of the finest silk. It had long flare sleeves, black laces on the bottom part of the dress and it's sleeves, black buttons on the top part and a big white lace bow on the back. I was told to change into it to make it easier to conceal my wings. So, when my parents left the room, I tied my hair in a french braid and put the dress on but I thought that i didn't need to hide my wings now because nobody was around, I left it out. Oh but I was so wrong... When I got out I saw a mob of angels and demons crowding around my house. They saw my wings through the window and soon the angels and demons flooded my house. Two demon boys took my arms and dragged me towards my parents who were being held by one demon girl and an angel boy. I was very worried for my family, I can feel both sweat and tears trickling down to palms. The demons roped my arms to to the ceiling but I wasn't worried for myself, I was more worried for my parents. The demon girl took out a knife and slashed my dad's chest with it, it didn't go through him but it was enough to start my heavy breathing. The angel punched my dad in the stomach a numerous amount of times. My mom yelled and tried to wiggle free but the man slapped her across the face. "No...please...don't hurt them anymore...please...stop it now...please..." I heard those words escape my lips as more tears began flowing down my cheeks. My mom didn't stop wiggling around and tears to form in her eyes as she looked at my dad. "Aww is the lady struggling right now? Okay then...we'll end all of this real quick." The angel and the demon both took out a sword and stabbed them hard with it. I let out a loud scream and at the same time I felt sharp knife like edges grow out of the top tips of my wings as it cut through the ropes allowing me to break free. Devistated, I flew right through the crowd and killed everyone with the sharp edges of my wings. When everyone fell to the floor, I wiped the blood of my wings and tucked them into my dress. The tears wouldn't stop flowing out of my red and lavender eyes. I stormed off wiping my tears of of my face with my arm as I went, not caring were I was going. That's when I bumped into a little boy and fell to the floor. I got up and brushed the dirt of of my dress and tried to take off but the boy took my arm and pulled me back to where I was before. "Bumping into me and leaving me without even saying sorry? Well that's quite rude isn't it?" I looked down. "S-sorry...I didn't mean to." I played with my fingers awkwardly trying to avoid further discussion. "But wait, why are you crying?" The boy's face remained emotionless. "Oh...uh...it's okay...it's nothing."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2015 ⏰

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A Different Demon(SebastianxReader one shot!)Where stories live. Discover now