Chapter 14 : What-is it? ( long final chapter for volume one)

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My thoughts are immediately filled with concerns, as I question whether or not making our relationship public is a good idea..

Pretty sure if we go on public saying yes! A mod character like me is connected to a princess and the leader of the girls in our class would be very troublesome..

I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with everyone knowing about us yet.

"I understand if you're not comfortable with it, but I was wondering if you'd be willing to consider it."

Kei's request is surprisingly bold, but I can't help but feel touched that she wants our relationship to be officially friends?

Even so, I'm hesitant to make a major decision like this so quickly.

"Would it be okay if I need some time to think about it?" I say politely.

"Um... yeah..."

She seems a little disappointed by my answer, but she tries to keep a poker face as she pretends to be fine with it.

"I understand, you can take all the time you need."

Kei forces a smile, and I can tell that she's trying not to look too bothered by my hesitation.

"Thank you for understanding."

I respond with a small smile.

I feel bad for disappointing her by not being willing to go along with the idea so soon, but I also want to be completely honest with her.

I don't want to make a spur-of-the-moment decision without thinking it through carefully first.

"But... I do hope you'll say yes in the end."

Kei looks at me with a wistful expression, making me feel even more guilty for disappointing her.

I try to give her a comforting smile, but it's clear that she's still quite disappointed by my lack of commitment.

Despite her obvious disappointment, Kei takes my hand in hers and kisses it gently.

"I just want our relationship to be official, that's all," she says softly.

I'm touched by her sweet gesture. However, I'm still unsure about making our relationship public as I'm unsure how our classmates will react.

Wait, a second...does she really mean dating?

I know that dating within your own class is considered a huge Taboo at the curriculum at this school, and it's not something I'd want to put Kei in danger of being criticized or ostracized for.

"I know, but I think that it's important for us to be honest about our feelings. We don't have anything to be ashamed of, right?"

Kei's words make me feel a little guilty for being hesitant. I agree with her sentiment that we shouldn't be hiding our relationship, but I can't help but worry about the potential consequences.

"I suppose you're right..."

I respond slowly, but her words do make sense.

We're not doing anything wrong, and there's no reason for us to keep our relationship a secret from everyone else, we are just friends aren't we?..

Maybe, last night got too much into her head-

"I just need some more time before I make a decision like this."

"Okay, I understand."

Kei tries to maintain her composure, but I can tell that she's still disappointed.

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