Part 1

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Jungwon's pov

I'm here down the hallway, walking.

I was getting annoyed because earlier in class, Jay got the highest score.

I'm always jealous of him.

But of course I'm jealous of him because of his grades nothing more.

We hated each other, but we won't bully each other.

"Jungwon!" A familiar student tapped my shoulder which made me to get startled.

I turned around and saw Sunoo who's smiling widely at me while I was holding my chest because I was catching my breathe.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Sunoo asked

"You scared the sh!t out of me" I said as I was still holding my chest.

"I'm really sorry, wonie" Sunoo apologized

"It's fine" I said

Suddenly, I spotted a guy who walk passed us

"Who is that?" I asked

"Who?, that guy?" Sunoo asked while pointing at the guy and I immediately nodded

"Oh, that's Heeseung Hyung, he's the council president here, and he's really scary when he's mad" he answered

"Oh" I answered

"Well, I heard he likes one of the students here" said Sunoo

"I'm just asking who he is, not asking about him" I said and rolled my eyes

"Anyways, you're mad at Jay aren't you?" asked Sunoo.

"Not really, I'm just annoyed because of him" I answered

"Ehh?, just forget about that and let's go grab our lunch" he said and walk away

"Yea yea" i said and followed him

Time skip

Jay's pov

"Hey Jay, have you already heard?" Jake asked

"Heard what?" I asked

"Someone is spreading rumors that you're dating a girl from another section"  Jake said

I smirked knowing who would spread some kind of rumors "He really don't have originality" I said while my lips formed into a smile

"What?, who are you talking about?" Jake asked "wait, do you know who spread those kinds of rumors of you?" He added

"Yes I know him very well" I answered

"Of course there's no one would do that to him, only Jungwon" Heeseung spoke while sitting on his chair

Someone knocked on the door

"Who the hell would knock on the E4's hiding spot, or should I say their place" I said as I looked straightly to the door

Suddenly it opened and it showed Sunghoon

"Chill dude" Sunghoon said as he scratch his neck

"Woah, you look good while wearing those google's of yours" Jake complimented him

"Thanks for the compliment but Jay, should I come barge in next time if I enter here?" He asked

"I thought you're another student okay?, it's a mistake and everyone makes a mistake" I said as I lean against the wall

"Anyways stop chillin' around and take an action of your spreading rumors" Sunghoon said

"Let the rumors spread, I know who spread some sh!ts about me" I said

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