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🍁Fictionals are not allowed because there are more than hundred characters in Mahabharat

🍁Make sure you maintain all the rules before filling up the Forms! Read the next lines carefully.!

🍁Try to fill the Forms in one comment

🍁Write your username fully (not like ^^)

🍁Your form is accepted or not will be informed to you within 24 hours

🍁If not, inform the admins also check whether you gave all the informations and maintain the rules..

🍁And one more thing fill form for 2 characters then we decide to choose any


Character name
Face claim
Description about character
Kingdom you belong
[Angrajya, Hastinapur,Dwarka, Indraprasth]
Time when u get free for chatting & playing
Why are you joining
Rules followed
Tags:- 7+

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