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The silence was loud, I was sitting in a dark, dusty and windowless room. Suddenly the door slammed open, cold air rushing into the concrete room. A figure stepped through the door shining a light into my eyes, almost blinding me. I tried covering my eyes with my hand, but before I knew it I was being escorted out and into a police car.

3 Years Earlier

I had finally matched with someone on this dating app I was on. I didn't think I would match with anyone since I was out of practice with dating and talking with people. He seemed nice online but it was my first time meeting him in person and he didn't look that different from his picture, I was almost sure I was being catfished. He had dark brown curls, blueish greenish eyes, dimples, freckles, one of his middle teeth were slightly longer than the other one, his eyes soft and yet piercing at the same time. He was wearing a brown wool sweater with a leather jacket overtop, ripped black jeans and black boots. He had an eyebrow piercing and a scar along his left cheek. His name was Ambrose. We went out for lunch and I got some wine and a steak, he got an iced tea and eggs benedict. After talking to him for what felt like hours I started feeling a bit drowsy and tired. I passed out, that bitch drugged me. I woke up in a cold concrete room, I looked around frantically for a way out. No windows and one door. I ran for the door but it was locked. "HELP, PLEASE! someone please" I screamed as loud as I could as I pounded on the door. I started to sob and fall apart as I started to realise no one could hear me. After what felt like forever I finally stopped sobbing and my eyes adjusted to the dark and I could see a bit better. There was a bed, drawers, a little kitchen, a toilet, and a shower. I ran my fingers along the wall and felt a light switch, I flipped the switch and the light flashed on, it buzzed when I turned it on. I didn't think it had been used in a while. After about what i think was 3 hours I heard the door unlocking. I hid. It was Ambrose. I stood up and looked him in the eye. "You BASTARD,' I yelled at him, he looked guilty "Listen, i had no choice, my brother he-"

"YOU HAD NO CHOICE? YOU DRUGGED ME AND YOU'RE SAYING YOU HAD NO CHOICE? YOU HAD EVERY CHOICE!" I started yelling before he finished his sentence.

"Well, my brother made me, he was threatening to kill you, so i thought it was better to just drug you and abduct you."


"Yes well-"

"I DON'T WANT YOUR EXCUSES I JUST- i just want to go home" i started tearing up

"Please let me go home" i pleaded with Ambrose

"I can't let you go home, I'm sorry kaitlynn '' he actually sounded.... Sorry

"Here," he slid a tray along the floor and left, I heard the door lock behind him. Walked over to the tray and crouched to my knees and started eating whatever was on the plate, I wasn't really paying attention, I was just really hungry.

Concrete PleasureWhere stories live. Discover now