First Book; Chapter 1: Curses

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[Thank you for reading this story, I created this story officially myself. Enjoy!! (let's just call the girl Jaseme, because it fits better for me]

Chapter 1: Curses

It has been 100 Years since curses exist. Almost many people died from cursed creatures, suffered to death and sacrificed their lives. Although there was a child named Jaseme, also was cursed since she was 5 years old. She gets bullied because of her eyes and has no friends. But why only her? What did she do? There is nothing wrong with her eyes, it's just that she got cursed and has got white eyes. That's why she uses a black blindfold, which she can see through, to avoid people to prevent from bullying. Actually...

It didn't work.

It happens and happened again, until she almost met with death, atleast some of her bullies get expelled from bullying Jaseme.

When she turned 10, she used her hairs to cover her eyes after wearing her blindfold. Then she goes to school, really ignoring everyone. After she got to class, everyone was staring at her, by the way she's a new student.

,,G-greetings!! Today we have a new student, Jaseme!! You can introduce yourself."

,,Kon'nichiwa ...I'm Jaseme Kaori. I'm 10 years old. I'm new in this school." Then she greeted them with a bow. Then she heard some whispering.

,,Look at her, why does she wear a blindfold?"

,,Is she blind?"

,,She looks worse if she brought trash."

,,Stop whispering!!" yelled the teacher. ,,Oh and I'm Hakito Tamasun. Nice to meet you Jaseme!!" Then the teacher bows at her.
,,You can sit next to Yoshio." Then she sat next to Yoshio.

,,Kon'nichiwa, I'm Yoshio Yaki. Nice to meet you."


Jaseme actually never talks to anyone, not even to nice people. All what she can think is getting beaten up by the whole world and die for nothing.


It was until now she is in Juwan Highschool. After her Alarm clock stopped, she groaned, sat up and looked at her time. It was 7:50. She has school at 8:00. Which means she only has 10 minutes before school and her way is like 11 minutes to school. Can she make it?

She prepared herself before going to the front door. Keys, phone, charger. Ok she has everything. Then she closed the door and ran as fast as she could, then she remembers...

She forgot her blindfold.
Hope she doesn't get the third time's beaten up.

In the class

,,I'm so sorry for being late-" but then she looked around. No one was there. Not even one student. Where could they be? She tried to think, until she heard running noises behind her in the hallway. She turned her head, trying to see what was going on, then she saw it. She ran out of the classroom, stopped in the middle of the hallway.

,,Oh, I guess I'm lucky."

,,HEY YOU!!" Jaseme screamed, probably loud enough that the figure can hear her, then it stopped on its tracks.
She brought a long, woodened, thick stick and tried to throw it at the figure parallel, but it ended up being catched by two fingers between them.

,, did that?" She was confused. Usually in the past, where she was 13, when she throws a wooden stick at people, they officially get knocked out, but this, this is something else.
She stood there, confused, as if she'd seen a rainbow for the first time.

,,What a strong girl." Says the figure. It actually revealed a boy, with brown low-spiked hair, deep-brown eyes, a dark-grey hoodie, black baggy throusers and white sneakers.

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