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Yoojung sat out under the stars on the dorm's terrace and just looked up.

He sighs softly, and looks at his phone.

he looked at the photo of him and KB holding hands.

KB sits down by him.

"Hi love."

Yoojung looks at Kb.

"when can we make our relationship, known?"

KB holds his hands, kissing it gently.

"well... Um... I don't know love.."

"I don't want to be a secret.."

KB looks at Yoojung.

"My friends know about us being together."


"Mhm, I may have let it slip that you're my boyfriend."

Yoojung leans against his arm, feeling tired.

"Shall we go back inside and make it official from both of us?"

Yoojung nods and gets up, carrying the blankets back inside, while KB helps.

They both go inside and close the door, heading to the other room.

KB and Yoojung walked to their band mates and told them.

for awhile, Rie was practically jumping for joy.

Nine and Mill were fanboying, and Junji was smiling brightly.

KB Yoojung Floof storiesWhere stories live. Discover now