District 2

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District 2 - Angsty-ish/fluff

words: 1311

[Y/n] stood around, waiting for the tributes of the 10th annual hunger games to be announced. playing with her fingers to distract her from her nerves, her sister elbowed her, looking up to her sister scowling her "stop messing and keep still, head up, shoulders back and back straight"

[Y/n] never got along with her sister, she always acted like her mother, which she hated "i'm eighteen, you don't need to tell me what to do" [Y/n] stood up straight as the man at the front cleared his throat getting district 2's attention?

"District 2, to not make this any longer then it needs to be lets just pull the names for this years tributes, hm?" walking to the left, towards the female bowl of names, he moved his hand around, [Y/n] felt more nervous, she only had this year and next years reaping to get through then she no longer has to worry

for her sister this was her last, so she no longer has to get nervous after today, unless she's picked, "what if you're picked" [Y/n] asked her sister

"then i'm dying in that arena, unless i can escape" he sister admitted standing up straight again

"and this years female tribute is, [Y/N] [L/N]!" he almost cheered, as this is entertainment for him, [Y/n] looked towards her sister for help but she did nothing but shove her a little to walk

[Y/n] couldn't believe her own sister was letting her walk into this, to be murdered in the games, [Y/n] continued to walk up to the front, almost frozen, not knowing what to do, at least she had the possibility of seeing her old friend, Sejanus.

"and the male tribute is, Marcus Longback" [Y/n] watch this tall, muscular boy walk out, remembering the story that Sejanus told her about him, how he helped him when he was hurt without a second thought

Marcus slowly trudged up the steps and stood next to [Y/n], she stared at him for a while, wondering how he was so kind to Sejanus but has a look of hatred, but then again he was about to be dropped into a room to fight for his life.

Peacekeepers grabbed them both by their arms and dragged them away, [Y/n] took one look back to see if her sister might run up and save her but she never did, she wasn't even looking her way.

Marcus and [Y/n] arrived at a cattle train and were shoved into it, [Y/n] tripping on her dress from being shoved, Marcus caught her so she wouldn't fall flat on her face "thanks" she mumbled brushing off her dress, not that it mattered

"no problem" Marcus mumbled back, leaning against the side of the train cart, [Y/n] decided to sit down against it as they clearly had somewhere to go and didn't want to fall "i wouldn't sit on the floor of a cart for cows" Marcus pointed out

"well i'm about to fight to the death in a room in a few days, i think cows once being in here is the least of my worries" [Y/n] looked to Marcus "heard you're a real nice guy Marcus" she started a conversation with him

if she was gonna be stuck with him she may as well talk to him "by who?" Marcus sat opposite her as the train started

"Sejanus Plinth" [Y/n] answered, remembering her brown curly haired friend, Marcus scoffed "what was that for, the scoff?" she asked, confused with his reaction

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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