SEVENTEEN - quite like you.

967 35 3


Heathrow Airport
6:24 am

We made it to London; after an excruciatingly painful long flight.

"How long until we arrive at the hotel?" Arthur asked as he looked up from his phone, facing Chiara and I.

"20 minutes or so," she said nonchalantly.

We had taken a London cab, seeing as it was the most comfortable option for us.

The days spent on my home country with Chiara and Arthur were extremely fun; we hiked some trails, went to the beach, shopped, gave them a tour of my favorite places, partied; it was a nice change from the usual things we do.

Ironically, my mom really liked my friends, specifically Arthur, but that was only because he kept on kissing her ass most of the time.

"I hate you for booking the flight so early." Arthur groaned as he closed his phone, closing his eyes as well.

"Did you not get any sleep? The flight literally left at 11pm." Chiara raised a brow as she looked up at him.

"I tried, but I couldn't, and now I want to sleep." He answered.

"By trying you mean binge watching greys anatomy," I added.

"I couldn't stop! There's too much drama!" He protested.

"Wait, you were watching greys anatomy?" Chiara looked up from her phone, a smile forming on her lips.

"Yes? What is the issue?" Arthur said defensively.

"No issue," Chiara shrugged, "never thought you'd be the type to watch it."

"Are you being sexist?"

"What- how is that sexist?"

"Mon dieu! You're sexist!"

"Stai zitto, cazzo!"



We each got our own rooms, staying at the same place as most of the drivers are during the race weekend.

This was mainly because of Chiara's status in F1, making me her plus one, and Arthur being... Arthur.

It was almost seven now, and we had to be at silverstone at around eleven or twelve, so we had time to spare, but i wasn't going to waste it on taking a nap. I decided to be productive and make myself some coffee, then start unpacking.

I played some music on my phone to get the vibes going, and to be honest, is was quite fun. I then rearranged all my makeup in the bathroom, planned my outfits for the weekend and took a shower; which was much needed.


We are leaving at 11
Can you check up on Arthur soon tho
He's not answering my calls and I think he's asleep

Yeah sure
I'll just get changed and I'll go check up on him
What room is he in?

I think it's room 517
Or 516?
I'm not sure tho

ꜰᴏʀᴛɴɪɢʜᴛ - Charles Leclerc जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें