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Your POV

"Ha! That makes 7!" I shouted over my shoulder as I launched a steel feather at another villain.

"Better keep up Angel! I'm on 9!"

I groaned and rolled my eyes at the man. There's a reason he's the number 3 hero. I quickly changed my wings to be made of fire and plucked three of the flaming feathers. I threw them with strength and precision, taking out three more villains. "How's that for keeping up, Hawks?" I taunted.

But of course, he took my challenge. Smirking, he landed on the ground beside me and used his feathers to pin down all 4 of the remaining villains. With a tick of my brow, I sighed in defeat. "Fine. You win."

He laughed lightly and replied, "I always win, Angel."

Deciding not to entertain him with a reply, I rolled my eyes and held my hand up to my ear, the earpiece alerting me that the police were almost here.

"Alright, these guys are down for the count and the police are almost here. Let's get some dinner and head home, yeah?" I suggested.

He smiled, nodding, "You read my mind."

After letting my wings revert back to regular white feathers, we took off into the air in the direction of our penthouse. By the time we made it home with our dinner, it was 9:00. A good day for us.

Landing in the living room through the skylight, I groaned tiredly. I set the bag of food on the dining table and rubbed my tired eyes. "Go change and I'll throw our costumes in the washer," I instructed as I headed toward the bathroom.

"You got it," Hawks replied, going to the bedroom. I quickly changed from my costume, which was a gorgeous white body suit with gold accents and holes for my wings, into a pair of comfortable clothes.

 I quickly changed from my costume, which was a gorgeous white body suit with gold accents and holes for my wings, into a pair of comfortable clothes

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I emerged from the bathroom at the same time Hawks came out of the bedroom. He handed me his costume and I took them both tossed them into the washer and started it.

Finally, I sat down on the couch with my well-deserved chicken skewers. Hawks took a seat on the other end of the couch, also eating as we put the TV on some random channel.

When I finished, I stood up with a stretch. "Okay, I'm gonna go shower then go to bed. You gonna be up for a while?"

"Yeah, probably," he replied simply.

"Alright," I replied walking towards the bedroom to grab a towel and some pajamas, "Good night, Keigo."

"Good night, Y/N."

Third Person POV

This is the story of Keigo Takami and Y/N Takami. The most infamous hero couple in Japan, and possibly the world. But let's take a look at how they ended up in this situation.

16 Years Ago...

A six-year-old Hawks had just been brought to the Hero Commission. He was quiet and way more serious than a child should ever be. Just looking at him told you that he had been through so much already.

The Commission already had plans for him though.

Bringing in a five-year-old girl with h/c hair, e/c eyes, and white wings, the woman spoke, "Hawks, this is Angel. From now on, you two are going to be partners."

"Hi," the girl greeted shyly.

"Hey," Hawks replied emotionlessly.

The woman patted the girl gently on the shoulder, "We'll let you two get to know each other."

The adults all walked into another room that could be seen through the large window.

Deciding to make the first move, Keigo asked, "Angel isn't your real name, is it?"

"I don't know," the girl shrugged, "They say that's my hero name, but they never call me anything else. What's your real name?"

"Keigo Takami," he replied. There was a pause as he thought for a moment, and then, "Do you want a real name?"

Nodding eagerly, Angel replied, "Yeah! But... what would it be?"

"Hm..." Hawks hummed, taking in her appearance and waiting for your reply a name to pop into his head. "How about Y/N?"

For the first time in possibly her whole life, she smiled, "I like it! From now on, call me Y/N!"

"Okay," Hawks replied, a small smile of his own, "You can call me Keigo then."

And that is how Y/N and Keigo became each other's first friends.

They trained and grew as heroes together. They each became a light in the other's life. Every waking moment of their childhood and teenage years was spent together. And this did not go unnoticed by the Commission.

One day, about 6 months before Y/N's 18th birthday, they received some news.

They were sat down with the head of the Commission. They both knew that this was never a good sign and that it meant serious business.

"I'm sure you're wondering why you're here with me," she said. The two teenagers nodded. "Well, as you're aware, the goal of this program is to make the perfect heroes for our society. We believe..." the woman paused, her expression hinting at the fact she knew both kids wouldn't like this. "We believe that a marriage between you would significantly increase your ratings on the billboards."

There was silence as Y/N and Keigo processed the words. This wasn't a request, they knew better than that. But defying the Commission wasn't an option.

Y/N looked to Keigo, a silent understanding being conveyed between them. Y/N turned to the President, nodding, "Okay... we'll do it."

"Good. Preparations will be made for you to be wed in 6 months."

With that, the President got up and left the room. Y/N and Keigo sat there for a moment, both silent.

Y/N was the first to speak up. She huffed a humorless laugh, dragging a hand through her hair as she spoke, "'Increase our ratings,' yeah right. This is about seeing how far they can go. How much control they have over us. And we let them."

"What else are we supposed to do, Y/N?" Keigo asked intensely, "You know what'll happen if we try and fight this."

"Yeah, I do. Trust me, I do," she answered with a slightly harsh tone. She had always been the more defiant of the two and that got her into a lot of trouble with the Commission. She knew just how... convincing... they could be.

Instead of backing off, Hawks pressed her further, "Would being married to me really be so bad?"

"It's not about that, Keigo!" She replied, standing from her chair and taking a few steps away from the table. She turned to face him, "It's about them taking my choice away!"

Hawks stood from his chair as well, asking angrily, "And you wouldn't choose me?! Am I not enough for you?!"

"Stop! Don't make this harder than it has to be by saying something you can't take back," Y/N told him, almost pleadingly.

This seemed to bring Keigo back to his senses. His eyes widened for a moment before setting, along with his lips, into a frown. "Right... I'm sorry. We'll handle it together, just like always, yeah?"

Letting out a breath of relief and exasperation, the girl nodded, "Yeah."

And six months later, they were married. The day after Y/N's birthday.

Now, here we are three years later. Bound by a forced marriage and the Commission, our story begins.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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