my soulmate

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Who would've thought that by sending that one text months ago I would find my soulmate? I honestly had no idea.. when I first met you I knew you were someone special (ed) but I didn't think you'd become so important in my life. I didn't think you'd actually be my soulmate. 

Hell I knew you deserved someone so much better than me yet you persisted and I'm so glad you did because it led us to where we are now. In our perfect relationship <3 

We actually communicate and trust eachother and I love that so so much like you're helping me become a better person you're helping me learn to talk about my feelings more and I'm so grateful for that 

Overall I'm just so grateful for YOU 

You're so perfect in every single way shape and form <3

I could t ever ask for anyone better I don't care what you say because YOURE the better person 

You're better than every one else on this planet !!! No one even comes close 

You're not only my PERFECT boyfriend but you're also my best friend 

You always listen to me whether I'm js ranting about something I like or talking shit about exes or I'm pissed about my siblings or js having a bad day , you listen to me and I love you for that 

Man I love you for a lot of things (that's for another chapter tho >_<) 

You make life worth living for and I thank everything for the night I had met you

I really with I would have met you sooner though

I wish we lived closer 

I wish a lot of things.. buts it's alr bec we still have each other and we have forever to be with eachother <333

I love you so so much 

So much more than you'll ever know 

And I'll never stop loving you 

No matter what happens.

No you'll never get annoying 

No you'll never get toxic 

No you'll never get ugly 

Nothing bad is ever going to happen to you or us alr?

Imma try my damn hardest to protect you 

And no matter what happens in our relationship I know we'll find a way to get through it 

We always do 

That's what I love about us 

No matter what happens we always find a way to fix it and we help eachother fix ourselves or js make ourselves better 

I know you make me a better person 

You make me feel amazing 

Like I belong and I'm worth something yk?

So just thank you for everything , mi amor 💙

You're so wonderful and perfect 

Here's to many more months and years to come <3

3 months with my soulmateWhere stories live. Discover now