My head snaps up when Rhea's hand starts moving up and down my thigh.

She looks down at me and smiles.

Oh my goodness! I am in so much trouble. These butterflies in my stomach need to sit the fuck down before they make me get attached to and have a crush on my boss.

Who also happens to be a woman. And I happen to be straight. That would be a problem.

I smile back at her before looking down at her hand. I've never really been attracted to hands but right now, at the sight of hers, I can already predict the activities I will be doing in my hotel room tonight at the thought of them. And those activities are very, very inappropriate.

I cross my legs, ignoring Rhea's eyebrow raise. Which is hard by the way because every time her eyebrows move my eyes snap to her eyebrow slit.


I look at her in the most innocent way I can muster. Her hand trails a bit higher as her tongue darts out to lick over her front teeth. Hot hot hot. Why does she have to have a tongue piercing? Were the rest not enough? Now I will spend the rest of the night imagining how it would feel against my-

Oh my god! I'm ovulating. That's why I'm so horny today. Fucking shit why me?

At least I have an explanation.


The rest of the car ride was spent with me grumbling in my head about the hell I will go through the next couple of days and then forcing Rhea to untie my hands.

Now, here we are, I am finally alone in my hotel room. After taking a two hour, much needed nap, I sit on the bed and mentally prepare myself for an argument with Rhea. I have a 100 dollar bill ready to give to her but I know it will be hard to get her to accept.

Anyways, that's probably the least of my problems right now. I have to bring up the fact that I'm her assistant and have done nothing assistant-y at all today. That probably won't go well.

I sigh to myself and exit my room, not caring about the fact that I'm only wearing some black leggings and a tight crop top. It's okay for hotel attire. I think.

I know that her room is the one right next to mine since I booked them but I was hoping for a bigger walk. One that would give me enough time to gather my thoughts.

I push my negative thoughts away and knock on her door. I hear some shuffling behind it and wait a couple of seconds before Rhea finally opens the door.

My mouth nearly flies open. She is wearing a tight, grey tank top and some short, black shorts. All of her muscles and tattoos are on display and not only that but she also has her short hair pulled back in a ponytail.

I always knew I had a thing for thunder thighs. I just thought that only applied to men. Guess it doesn't because fucking hell I'm literally drooling, not literally but still.

"How can I help you?" Rhea asks, moving back to let me pass

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"How can I help you?" Rhea asks, moving back to let me pass. I walk in, not knowing if that was the right decision. A locked door and horny Annalise are not a good combination.

"Erm, I want to talk," I say, not sure how to start the conversation. My heart for some reason starts beating faster, a sign that I'm on the verge of a panic attack. Not the time.

"Okay," Rhea says hesitantly, "Sit down," a hand on the back of my waist ushers me to sit down on her bed. I don't protest.

My right hand trails patterns on my clothed thigh, hoping to distract myself from the anxiety I am starting to feel.

"Take a few deep breaths, come on," Rhea pats my thigh and shows me how to take the deep breaths. I mimic her until I feel a bit more under control. I can still feel anxiety but I don't think it will sneak up on me.

"Tell me," she smiles at me softly, probably expecting something really bad to come out of my mouth.

I go to open my mouth but shut it again.

I get up and start pacing around.

"I don't like how you make me feel," I get that this sounds like a love confession but it's far from it. It's just me expressing my thoughts and feelings so I continue, not caring about the fact that I am on the verge of tears, "I hate that you paid for my stuffies and my sandwich and you paid for my food the first day we met too and you keep paying everything. I know you're rich but it feels like I'm taking advantage of you and I'm really not and don't want that. Then I also hate how you were super nice when we first met and then you became very formal and sort of distant and that was weird and now you're back to being day one Rhea and I like this Rhea more but I think the other one will be back soon probably and I don't want that since I want us to be friends. Also, I am upset because I have not been a good assistant and feel like I don't deserve this job," I ramble, explaining my thought process.

"I don't think you're taking advantage of me when I pay for things. It's something I like doing. Also, I want us to be... friends too. I just- I'm sorry, I won't go back to being distant. I can assure you it wasn't done on purpose and it wasn't your fault. And about the last part, you are a good assistant who deserves her job but here in Texas, there's nothing you can do but enjoy your stay," Rhea's words make me happy. She wants us to be friends too? And she was so polite. Wow.

"Okay," I smile at her, feeling much better now. Screw my mood swings.

"Okay? Is that all? Any more complaints?" She asks, smirking at me and running her hand through her hair.

"Well no, these were mostly it. Also the fact that I'm ovulating soon and you make me hor-" I cut myself off, my hands snapping to my mouth. I need to be gagged. Why would I say that?

"I make you what?" Rhea closes the distance between us, her chest brushing against mine.

"Erm, nothing," I nod my head at nobody and nothing in particular.

"I make you what?" She repeats, her hand now wrapped around my neck, barely applying any pressure but serving as a warning.

I gulp before replying, "Horribly insane? Horrendously annoyed? Too many to choose from," I shrug, hoping she buys my lie.

She hums.

"Maybe, but that's not what you meant, is it?" Her grip tightens a little bit. She knows.

I keep quiet but my eyes say it all, not daring to meet hers.

"Look at the time, it's time for dinner!" I point to the watch on her wrist. She looks down and nods, pulling away from me.

I shouldn't feel this way but I really don't like the fact that she pulled away so quickly and suddenly.

I need professional help.

Okay just to clarify, I know my writing is mostly horrible right now but when I finish the story I will edit everything. For now, just bear with me please. Thanks!!

☆  BABY  ☆      { Rhea Ripley }Where stories live. Discover now