Chapter 1: The Reunion

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Tatum Omega is sitting on a chair in catering having a bottle of water at an Indy show in Dayton Ohio, she was by herself since Trey was at a different one in Phoenix Arizona and so couldn't come.

Which was fine with her since she does like to be alone sometimes so that she can think of stuff, though her quiet times came to an end when The Young Bucks came in and she slightly smiled.

"Heya" Tatum rolls her eyes a little despite being adopted by Kenny's family, him and the Bucks treated her as part of the the family "hi, guys where's Kenny?" She asks looking at the brothers.

"Should be on the way, where's Trey?" Nick asks since the two were pretty much inseparable "indy show in Phoenix" she says with a small smile though it was clear that she felt a bit down.

"So I presume you have a match" Tatum nods "against Vert Vixen, ya know the member of the Righteous?" She asks as the lads nods and it wasn't long before Kenny arrived.

The four of them laughed and joked about almost anything, though Tatum had to leave for her match she did enjoy seeing The Bucks and her brother.

As she walks to the women's locker room she sees a lot of AEW wrestlers with some ROH ones, she was then interrupted by Taven and Bennett "long time no see Omega" Matt says as Tatum giggled.

The three hug "it's so good to see you again" she says as the last time she saw Bennett and Taven was during the Honor No More storyline.

"How's Eddie?" Bennett asks "doing quite well and of course still a heel" she says as they chuckled "of course he is" the three of them talked before Tatum left to get ready.

Tatum entered the women's locker room with her bags and placed them down so that she can have a sit on one of the benches and get her stuff out which is what she does.

A few of the women came in and also got their stuff out for their matches later on in the night, the locker room was quiet as they were getting ready it wasn't long before she was dressed and into her ring gear and he grabbed a shirt which read Omega & Miguel.


So far the match was alright and Tatum was of course in control of Vert which the crowd was very much against the idea of due in part of her being a heel.

Backstage stood Zachary watching the match from a monitor and was cheering on for Tatum until Kenny shows up "how's she doing?" The two of them have talked to each other in the past but it wasn't a whole lot.

"Tatum's doing alright" Zach says as the two stood there watching as Tatum then put Vert into a roll up and got the victory by using the ropes.

"The winner of the match Tatum Omega" the announcer says as the referee tried but failed to raise her hand and she got out of the ring.


Once she got backstage Zachary was there to congratulate her on the victory and the two friends eagerly catched up since they missed it due to Zach's hectic NXT schedule.

The two moved away from the backstage area near the Gorilla position and moved to a different area "do you maybe wanna catch up a lot more?"

"Sure, I'd love to" she says smiling softly as the two stayed closer to each other as Kenny and the Bucks watched them "at least Zachary won't hurt her" Nick says.

"Yea, besides he has told us he does in fact have feelings for Tatum and besides I'm pretty sure that Trey would do something" Matt says.

"Yeah, especially after the whole situation with Griff Garrison I've been a tad bit overprotective over Tatum but I do know that Zach will protect her" Kenny says watching his sister laugh at something that Zachary said.

Author's Note:

This is my very first Zachary Wentz fanfic.

Also when should Zach return to Impact and what does Kenny and the Bucks mean??

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