He jumped at their voices, turning to them. "...sure."

Bella tilted her head. "Do you need us to call someone?"

His voice was shaky as he replied. "Thanks but I'm good, do I know you? You look familiar."

"Bella Barnes," she offered her hand. "This is my sister, Athene Barnes."

The guy shook both their hands. "Alex Lorei."

Bella smiled. "Nice to meet you, Alex. If it's not intruding, do you mind me asking what's wrong?"

A blond slung his arm around Alex's shoulder, looking as shaken-up. "Who's this?"

"Bella and Athene Barnes," Alex said in a slight awe. Bella, understanding the tone, shared a grin with her sister. So Alex knew of their parents. "Um...this is my friend, Sam. Our other friend Colby is around here somewhere. What's wrong is Belle Estate and how weird it is."

"So," Bella grinned, crossing her arms. "What's up with this Belle Estate?"

The Barnes girls had texted their mother and father telling them they were meeting the guys for an explanation on what Belle Estate was. They were at a cafe. Bella had her notebook out and was jotting stuff down as Athene googled other facts they didn't already know.

"So something is up with your old 'friend'...Trey and his grandma-age girlfriend, Georgia?" Bella confirmed, sharing a frown with Athene.

They had seen some weird Paranormal stuff - especially as junior homicide Interpol agents - but this was something way new.

"...what's that look for?" Colby - the dark haired one - asked, glancing between the blonde and brunette girls in worry. "What's up?"

"We do homicide cases in Interpol," Athene explained slowly. "Like our Mum and Dad. Only difference is, the amount of paranormal stuff we've seen is unheard of...we're Mediums."

"That's sick!" Sam gasped, grinning at them.

Bella waved him off. "It's weird, more like it. Anyway, we were thinking about how new your 'paranormal' is to ours. We see ghosts begging to give them justice. You've seen some...somethings."

Athene sucked in a breath as she stared at her phone. "...Flora..."

"What's up?" Bella asked, leaning over and reading the article. "I don't know..."

"It might be," was all Athene said, sternly, as she tossed her phone into her bag again. She stood, looking at the boys and her twin sister.

"Take us to Belle Estate."


Have fun with this

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