Chapter 20: Escape/ Fight

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Bela: Well last night our boyfriend here went out on patrol again and successfully found the man that auntie spoke of and now he is in the dungeon shackled an locked up (Smiles)

Alcina: This is splendid news.. mother Miranda will be very pleased to know of the mans capture and she'll reward us all.. but first let us...

(A scream can be heard in the castle)

Alcina: What on earth was that?!

Joshua: All of you stay here let me go check it out

Bela: No!.. if your going to investigate then let us investigate with you.. who knows what could happen if we aren't at your side (Spoke in a worried tone

(The girls and the man go to investigate the noise leaving Alcina behind.. the screaming continued.. the sound came from the hallway towards the maidens room and as they investigated the noise they see the maidens terrified)

Cassandra: Ladies what happened in here?

Ivanna: A-a man barged into this room and took Irene hostage asking where his wife an daughter are.. I-I don't know where they went but I think they went into the dungeons o-or something

Bela: Stay in here an lock the doors

Ivanna: Yes ma'am

(The maids lock the door as the four went looking for Irene and the child's father after sometime they enter the dungeons and lo an behold they find the man with a maid as a body shield.. the maid was name Irene)

Irene: Let me go!

Ethan: Not until you tell me where my daughter is!

Irene: I-I don't know where your daughter or wife is.. please let me go!

Ethan: One way or another your gonna!...

Joshua: HEY!.. stop right there you son of a bitch.. let the woman go

Ethan: Not a chance until I find my wife and my fucking daughter!.. and I know she is here somewhere in this castle!

Joshua: Let the woman go right now or else!

Ethan: Ha!.. I don't think so.. she is my hostage.. so I suggest you don't try any funny business with me or else I will end her life right here.. right now!

Joshua: First let her go then we'll talk like reasonable beings

(Ethan hesitates but gives in letting the maid go as she scrambled to her feet towards the man an the daughters who shielded her from the outsider)

Ethan: No tricks or else I will be forced to use this on you (Pulls out the wolfsbane revolver)

(The four were terrified seeing the man wield the wolfsbane gun)

Ethan: Just a few bullets of these and you'll be dead.. so unless you want to die in front of your girlfriends here I suggest you tell me where my wife an daughter are or else you will not live

Joshua: Ok ok.. you win.. now let's talk like adults an then we'll...

(Joshua charges at the man head on causing him to fall to the ground as bullets were shot into the air)

Joshua: Girls run!.. get out of here!

(The daughters were hesitant to leave the man but they did it and took Irene back to the dining table where Alcina was)

Alcina: What the hell is going on out there!

Bela: It's the man mother he somehow broke free and almost killed Irene here

Alcina: Where is Joshua?

Daniela: He's fighting the man right now in the dungeon.. though I fear Joshua will lose

Alcina: Go to him now.. I will watch over Irene here

(The girls leave to go an aid their boyfriend and as they got to the dungeons they see the two battling it out Ethan was overpowering the man in a 1 on 1 but Joshua had just about enough so he then transforms into his black beast form an grabs the man by the neck choking him)

Joshua: Now you die

(Joshua throws Ethan against a pillar causing the outsider to yell in pain as Joshua lets a blood curdling roar that even the girls did not hear before.. Ethan knew he was fucked in this fight as Joshua in his werewolf form charges at the man throwing Ethan like a ragdoll across the dungeon.. the girls smiled seeing their boyfriend beat the living hell out of the intruder...after about an hour Ethan used his last resort he uses the wolfsbane gun and fires several bullets into the man causing the man to fall to the ground gasping for air this raised concern as the daughters were angry as the child's father injured their boyfriend the daughters wailed in sadness)

Cassandra: NO!!!



(Seeing the girls seething with rage the man runs for his life as he pissed off the wrong people)

Cassandra: Bela.. Daniela get after that bastard!.. I will stay behind and take care of our boyfriend here

(Daniela an Bela nod as they chased after the child's father)

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