Part 1 A New Story

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hi!  Am new to these  so please don't mind the errors enjoy! Also did you see what I did there? New Newt get it?😁. ( also if its boring please tell me)


At the beginning of time, Humans and monsters had unity and peace. They socialized happily. Until  people started to dislike monsters because of there supernatural powers. Jealous that humans had no such powers, they captured monsters. Took there powers and killed them. Using the powers they stole, for there own needs and wants.


"This is exactly why we  built this school, keeping those like your selves safe, is our top priority. Here we will teach y-...." The voice faded away in the distance never to be heard again.


"Wake up Newt!" A voice yelled. Newt groaned as he blinked his eyes open. He never really liked waking up I the mornings. It was like telling him to wash the dishes at 3pm. It was annoying. 

"We need to leave Newt." This time the voice he heard was different. Newt  shot up like a lighting bolt and got dressed. He ran down stairs as quick as he could to find a tall muscular boy with black hair. Newt grinned widely at the boy.

 "Hey Minho" 

  "Hey " Minoho shot  back to the dirty -brown-blond. "When did you get here?" Newt said as he jumped of the second to last step. "Not that long ago" Minoho said. 

"Why are you here in the first place?" The boy asked in curiosity. "Did you really forget" Minho slapped his face with his own palm. "Ummm." 

" Ughh" Minho  dragged his words to show his  annoyance.  "Were going to a new school so were safe" Minho  stared at him intensely.  Newt (the blond headed boy) just rolled his eyes and walked into the kitchen with Minions trailing behind him

 " Hello Newt , are you ready to go to the new school?" A female voice asked tenderly.

 " Hi aunt Carla and Idk" Newts voice trailed off as they sat down. To be honest Newt never wanted to be thinking about it.


Newts Pov

I sit down waiting for aunty Carla to serve me breakfast. While waiting I started to think about what aunty Carla asked me. I wasn't sure if I could even step A foot outside without being on edge. My head started churning with thoughts. It did not last for long couse next thing I new I was snapped out of my thoughts.

 " Newt are you sure your alright dear? " Aunt Carla's English accent echoed the halls.

"I am don't worry" I gave her a quick smile before diving into the plate of pancakes in front of me. I was thinking about giving Minho  a pancake but he probably had already eaten. Once I was done eating  I got up and headed to the door. Minho got up from the chair he was sitting on and exited the door with me. I didn't bother saying good bye to aunty Carla since  I was already half way out the door.


Both Min and I were shocked  to see a car outside of the house. "Hey going to the school for people like us?" The man asked from inside the car. We stood there not saying anything until a gust of wind brought us closer. Minho  looked shocked and I was really confused.

 " Are you a Z- power?" I asked in a whisper so no one could here us. " Yes indeed " The man said as he opened the door for us to enter. I look behind me to see Minho  still surprised . I scoff and pull him by his ear into the car. 

" Ouch!" Minho  yells .  " You were taking too long ya shank!" I stated even tho I was just playing with him. Minho rolled his eyes, but it was hard to tell if he was mad since  he had a smile plastered on his face. Minho shut the car door and the car drove off.


Thomas Pov

It was dark and cold. My chest was heavy up and down heavily. Sounds of footsteps flooded my ears. As I heard the lock on my door cell open I backed up. A guard stared at me dead in the eyes. "Get up" He demanded. I slowly tried to get up by my muscles were aching. I fell back down on the hard floor. I couldn't get up;every where hurt. The guard growled at me. "GET UP NOW!" 

He grabbed me by my collar and dragged me on they cold,dirty floor.As we moved further out the room became  brighter. I winced and blocked my eyes from the bright lights until they adjusted. After a while the guard stop dragging me. Looking around I see a man in a white suit with the word WICKED printed on it. 

" Hello test subject number 444" My eyes widen in fear. The guard behind me leaves through a door which shows me the way outside.This is my chance I says in his mind. I run through the door and outside. I don't stop running.


Men dressed in black suits  follow me through the streets. Yelling and screaming for me to come back. I dip down behind a mail box to catch my breath. My chest heaving up and down violently. My oak brown hair in mess and my muscles weak. 

Footsteps of men dressed in black suits are getting closer. I'm terrified. My body has given up on me and I can only crawl. They get closer to me with every step. This was it? I have to die right here? No one would notice my absence in the first place. I am only no more family maybe it's time for me to let go. I close my eyes and excepted my defeat.


Newts Pov

Less than a day ago I was at my house hiding from the world, now I was at school learning to control my powers. Life changed for me but wasn't bad it was okay. I had made friends here and gotten freedom to use my powers. There was something nagging me tho a feeling like it was gonna change soon. Some one would come into my life and make it even better. Although I was curious I dismissed it. I hopped out of my bed and changed.

 I was gonna sneak out with Min and some other friends. I quickly sliped out of my room and go invisible. That was the thing about me. I could go invisible and change into any specific colour I wanted to. It was cool and a great way for sneaking out. Once I got on the lawn I sit waiting for every one. As I wait I hear a ping from my phone. It was Alby, he had just texted me!


Alby : Hey Newt  you outside yet?

Newt : Yea

Alby : Great, where?

Newt: By the pond

Alby : Got it 

Newt : Hurry up ya shank! 

Alby : 🖕

Newt : 🖕


I closed my phone and waited for every one to get here.I smiled knowing I no longer felt like The Odd Ball out.

Hey little Z- powers I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Bye bye 


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