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Warning: talking about pedophila and sexual harassment

Why are we calling children pedophiles???

There's a lot of dramas where MINORS are being called pedophiles and stuff of the sort when doing sexual things to minors that are usually really close to the same age as them, and I'm failing to understand why it's bad?

Some of the things are in fact, harassment and are very bad things that are worth what people are saying, but calling minors "child likers" because of it is kinda weird

An example in case I'm not making sense:

A 13 year old and a 13 year old are both chatting, and one of the 13 year olds does something sexual the other one doesn't like. The one 13 year old is famous or something, and gets called out.

For some reason in this situation, the problem is that is was directed to a minor, which causes people to call the 13 years old a pedo for whatever reason. This makes no sense to me at all on why even though two people are the same age, it's still pedophilia.

I'm not saying these situations aren't bad, and because they are the same age we should brush it off, I'm just saying people focus on the wrong things in these sorts of situations.

Is liking kids at any age is pedophilia and a bad thing all of a sudden? If your an adult, you shouldn't be liking and sexualising kids, as that is a bad thing, but two kids can be attracted to each other. Of course, there are some kid to kid relationships which are bad (ex. 15 year and a 10 year old ALSO DONT SAY "oh it's only five years difference" UNDERSTAND HOW AGING AND PUBERTY WORKS BEFORE BRUSHING THAT OFF) but that isn't the issue

Children can be child likers, cuz they are children. Minors can like other minors, it isn't a problem. I hate when people focus on the "oh this was against a minor" like it wouldn't be an issue if it was two adults. Being sexually disgusting to minors as another minor isn't pedophilia, it's just being gross.

Now, this is another thing I'm gonna go off on that's kind of similar but a different topic.

Sharing nsfw online as a minor. So I've written some sort of nsfw stuff on here before, and I am a minor, but it was mostly implied/no actual dick and vagina action.

I'm not about to police people, if you want to be a minor and post nsfw art/writing, I can't stop you, but I'd advice you to be safe. Stuff like that can attract creeps, and isn't really the best idea to post as a minor. People can use your work to turn it around and sexualise you instead of the characters.

I'm basically just saying, be careful posting 18+ stuff if you yourself isn't even over 18.

Anyways, thanks for coming to my rant since people on the internet like to call people child likers for liking people literally of their age

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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