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14 years later


In a dimly lit room, you could see a boy sleeping.

He would have looked beautiful if not for the scars and bruises that littered his body.

While the boy was sleeping peacefully a silhouette of a person was coming near him when...



"Ahhhh!" I yelled after someone throwed me a cold bucket of cold water while I was sleeping

"Sorry young master but it's almost breakfast time."

Yes, you heard it. The imbecile who throwed me a bucket of water right now is my only servant, and friend, Daniel.

"You could have just woke me up like a normal person and not like this."

"Excuse me young master but one, you never woke up if I do it normally and second, how could I woke you up like a normal person if I'm not even one?"

"Still-." "Now young master, I prepared a warm bath for you so hurry up while I chose some clothes for you to wear."

After I was rudely interrupted I went to the bathroom grumbling because a dimwit disturbed my sleep.

Oh right, how rude of me. I didn't even present myself.
I'm Elias d'Angelo, of the d'Angelo archduky, and youngest son of Armando d'Angelo, one of the most feared, and hot, man of the entire globe, and Amelia de Saint, the duchess, formerly war hero, of the Star continent.
I have three brothers and two sisters, one of them who is my twin, and I'm the so called black sheep of the d'Angelo's.

You might be wondering why.

Well it's because when I was four my mother died because she was kidnapped and now you must be thinking, what does that have to do with me, well, when the kidnappers were caught they were interrogated, more like tortured, and they confessed that they didn't want to kill the duchess but me, still don't know why, and my father got depressed and furious so much that he throwed me in the west wing of the manor, were maids reside, and on top of that they discovered that my mana was really poor so my family saw me as an inconvenience meanwhile my twin has an enormous pool of mana so they doted on her.

How cliché, right?

Not that I care about them, I mean I'm happy here because I have a good friend, food, clothes and my family ignores me so at least I'm not abused, by them.

After bathing I went to wear my clothes that consisted of a tucked white poet shirt, black shorts and black shoes and started eating breakfast because my dear family says that they don't want to see my horrible face so early in the morning but oh well it's good for me too so I don't complain.

To get things straight I am sad that my family doesn't want me and there was a period were I chased them like a lost puppy but after a beating and a scar that goes from my abdomen to my neck, thanks to Xavier and Christopher, I stepped back and ignore them.

I have many other scars and other problems but I will tell you another day, maybe.

Well back to us I'm going to the library to study because someone decided that you can go to school only when your 15 and finish it at 25 because after the Great War they established this to avoid conflict for some strange reason that I'm not gonna search because I'm lazy but I'm pretty sure that I will need to know for school but whatever, I still have one year.

And if someone is wondering where is Daniel, he is doing who knows what because I don't like being interrupted when I'm studying.

While I was walking peacefully a maid stuck out her foot and made me fall.

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