You have everything and you still want more

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Me and Jake walk into school Jake waves at a few people I don't recognise but there is one person I do recognise. Lia the two faced motherfucking bitch, Lia was my best friend and I mean my best friend we did everything together in middle school. Lia never did any music but she always supported me in anything I did but then Zoey and her friends happened. Lia choose fucking popularity over her own best friend of what 3 years? I'll never forgive her she left when I need her most.


Zoey has been a complete baby the last week since Drew dumped her I don't really care though I've been trying to avoid her as best as I can. Jake waved at me but I wasn't really looking at him I was looking at her Hailey me and Hailey don't talk anymore since I decided to become a massive bitch. I'm trying to be better though.

It's always strange when me and Hailey catch eye contact there's so many unspoken words between us that have needed to be said for years. I miss her so much it physically hurts like it aches my hurt for her to look at me. I would rip out my own heart for her just so that she knows shes loved and appreciated.


Me and Jake walk into the music club room for rehearsals. "what took you both so long?" Zander asked with suspicion "We didn't take that long Zander chill out"Jake spoke then a knock at the door broke the tension and looked over my shoulder and saw her. Lia like the Lia at the music club so many questions ran through my mind why is she here is this just her and Zoey trying to mess with us i don't understand "um hi Hailey"Lia spoke almost seeming scared to say the words "what do you want Lia?" I say facing completely to look at her and cross my arms "I just wanted to um say i guess sorry?"She said not even looking at me "your sorry your fucking sorry?! Are you kidding Lia what do you think i'm gonna say oh i forgive fuck no Lia?!" I pratically scream at her.

"Hailey please calm down I know i've been horrible and a complete and utter bitch"She said walking closer to me "you left me for fucking Zoey, Lia"I said tears beginning to fill my eyes "i know and i'm sorry Hailey i know sorry won't fix it but I will do whatever it takes to rebuild our friendship up again"Lia spoke "I don't know if i can Lia" I said and as soon as the words left my mouth she looked like i'd just stabbed her "I'm gonna go now bye Hailey" She said obviously leaving before she bursts into tears.


Everything is gone I really thought she would forgive me and I wouldn't need Zoey so i've been avoiding her now i have nothing and nobody to turn to well except Jake. I really love Jake and i'm not talking about just some dumb high school love i'm talking about real love. I don't understand how he could ever feel unloved when I love him more then i've ever loved myself. Hailey is always the one he looks at i'm just there his second option sometimes i'm not even an option because I was born to be the other woman who belonged to no one who belonged to everyone who had nothing who wanted everything.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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