Flights and fancy

Start from the beginning

"Its all been taken care of." He whispered to the dark haired man. Yuri nodded.

Right. Viktor's family came from money. Yuri relaxed a little as they walked along. Yurio kept muttering under his breath. Being a little brother, Yuri decided to mess with him. When no one was looking, he kicked the teen in the butt. Yurio squealed.

"FAT PIGGY!" At the top of his lungs. Yuri looked at him innocently.

"What's going on? Yakov demanded.

The Yuri's glared at each other a moment. "Nothing." They said in unison.

Yurio's kick was a bit harder. Yuri winced, but didn't call attention to it. This seemed to irritate the teen. He tried to kick Yuri again. The dark Yuri slipped out of the way. He forgot to pull Viktor with him. Yurio ended up in a heap with Viktor and Yakov under him.

"I SAID KNOCK IT OFF!" Yakov raged.

He yelled at the two light haired guys in Russian. Yurio yelled back, gesturing widely at Yuri. Then he shoved his hands in his pockets, before storming away to the gate They reached their gate. Walking onto the plane, they were taken to first class. Yuri had never flown first class before. Viktor took his seat by the window. Yuri sat next to him.

Yurio and Yakov were across the isle from them. Both put sleep masks on, as did Viktor. Yuri wasn't ready to sleep yet. He watched what was going on. Got a few cans of soda as they waited for take off. Once in the air, he settled back to rest. He was awoken to eat lunch. Viktor talked with him while they ate, then they went back to sleep.

Yuri couldn't sleep. He talked with the flight attendants a bit here and there. He pulled out his phone to watch a movie. He still had thirty minutes to landing, so he pulled up a compilation of his old skating videos. He sat back to watch them, a smile of remembrance on his face.

As the plane was about to descend for landing, those he was with were woken up. Yuri got to see Russia for the first time.... It was glorious! The plane landed.

If Yuri thought the screams in Japan were loud, this was on a whole other level. The airport was crowded with fans. There were security, police all sorts of protection for the skaters as they disembarked. Yurio ignored them all. Viktor smiled, waved, winked or blew kisses to various people. Not all women. He then wrapped his arm around Yuri's waist to draw him through another door. A long black limo waited for them.

There was a pretty blonde girl standing outside of it. She had on a stylish outfit, hair up under a cap. Yuri thought she looked very pretty. She locked her gaze to Viktor.

"Vicky!" She cried rushing to him.

To Yuri's astonishment, three officers intercepted her. Viktor backed away, pulling Yuri along with him. Yuri looked up. It appeared that Viktor saw a ghost. He looked paler than usual.

"Viktor, are you alright?" Yuri asked.

"She's my ex." He stated.

Yuri turned to look back at the woman. Now he realized, he recognized her from the video at his apartment. This was Viktor's crazy ex who was still in love with him, or at least, his money.

"Crazy Camila." Yurio hissed.

He was behind Yuri clutching at his arm. Yuri looked back at him. Yurio just shook his head, blue eyes wide.

"That bad?" He asked.

"Worse!" Both skaters intoned.

Even as the police and security were escorting her away, she kept screaming stuff in Russian at Viktor. Viktor didn't even look at her. Two officers had to carry/ drag her away.

"Please tell me, you're family isn't like that." Yuri asked with an impish smile.

"Not at all." Viktor fixed his jacket. He looked seriously at Yuri.

"They are worse. Crazy doesn't even being to define them." He insisted.

Yuri let him go. He reached back to pull Yurio forward.

"My turn to hide!" He told the younger boy.

"NOPE!" Yuiro shoved him away. He danced out of Yuri's grip.

"You're on your own with them!" He laughed as a light blue beat up car pulled in behind the limo.

"Grandpa!" Yurio screeched rushing to it.

As Yuri watched, the blond skater became an actual teenager. Gone was the stern serious look. He was laughing, hugging the old man, who had passed him a brown paper bag. Yurio pulled something out of it. He bit into it looking as if he had just died, then found himself in heaven. Yuri smiled. He was glad the kid had something to be happy about.

Viktor was beside the limo the driver opened it. Viktor wasn't looking inside. He was watching the young blond skater as well.

"Vicky!" A soft purring voice came from inside the car.

Viktor looked down. "MAMA?" He whispered.

The only thing Yuri could see was the silhouette of a women. She had a large dark hat on that obscured her face. She held her hands, clasped tightly over her purse. She kept herself in the darkest corner of the car.

"Please get in. The sun..." She waved at herself.

"Yuri, love." Viktor called.

Yuri hurried over to the car. He took Viktor's outstretched hand. Curling his around it, he pulled himself into the elegance of the skaters body. He arched up, to press his lips to the amazing, soft, thin ones of the man before him.

"Sorry love. It's just... you don't see him happy often." He gestured back toward Yurio.

"No, you don't. Only two people ever get that reaction out of him." Viktor smiled.

Yuri got inside the car. The woman looked murderous. She glared at him as he slid across the seat. He ended up directly across from her. Viktor climbed in. The door was closed. The women's nose wrinkled.

"Where did you find this one?" She asked in perfect English.

"The dumpster?" She cackled at her own joke.

"A diner, actually. Yuri is a skater, mother." Viktor insisted.

"Another drama queen? Just what this family needs." She huffed.

"Yeah, not with you two in it." Yuri commented.

His face burned once the words escaped him. The car was silent for a moment before Viktor's gut wrenching laugh filled it. He dropped himself over Yuri.

"This is why I love you so much!" He declared.

Right, the contract. Yuri thought as he smiled down at the man clinging to his chest.

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