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That day, I encountered him, my beacon of hope clad in armor.

Never had I imagined freedom from the clutches of my abusers.

Every day endured was a descent into hell.

Could someone rescue me from this torment?

I yearn to flee this dark abyss, to embrace a life of tranquility...

Why did you intervene?

Do you recognize my plight?

How did you find me?

Please, linger by my side.

I implore you...


It began like any other day, with sunlight flooding through the window, jolting me awake. My eyes stung as I glanced down at the chain tethering me, a heavy sigh escaping my lips. I braced myself for the inevitable arrival of one of the men I reluctantly called my boyfriend, anticipating the ordeal of being fed their... "stuff". I despised it, the degradation no woman should endure, leaving scars upon my soul.

After what felt like an eternity, I heard the familiar sound of footsteps ascending the stairs, each step a foreboding echo. The door creaked open, and in strode one of my former lovers, now devoid of any affection. I turned my head away, silently counting to thirty.





"Aphelia," he called, interrupting my mental tally.

"Hm," I murmured in acknowledgment, meeting his gaze with a hollow stare.

"Food," he stated bluntly, approaching with a plate in hand. As I glanced down at the contents, my heart sank. It was a salad, tainted with their vile essence. He stooped down, offering it to me.

{But I knew better.}

With resignation, I reached out, only for him to cruelly toss it to the ground before my eyes. I watched as he retrieved it, the mixture of ingredients now repulsive beyond words. "Here," he muttered, thrusting the plate toward me.

I reached for it...

And began to eat, resigned to the abhorrent concoction before me, every bite a bitter reminder of my captivity. Yet, as I took each bite, my pink hair fell in disarray around my face, partially obscuring the scar that marred my right cheek. With each chew, the disparity between my pink left eye and the light lavender hue of my right eye seemed to intensify, a physical manifestation of the internal struggle raging within me.

Two days have elapsed, and let me tell you...

{ Can't stand a single soul around here. }

Yep, that's the summary for today.

I surveyed my body, bearing witness to experiences no woman should endure.


Greetings, world, it's me, Aphelia, in all my complexities.

Today, I'm here to share that I'm bleeding profusely. Yes, they stabbed me in the gut and nonchalantly headed to the shops with their friends. Lovely, isn't it?

Excuse me now, as I'm feeling lightheaded and the world around me is spinning. So, I might just pass out... so, farewell.

"Oh... damn."


Hey, it's me again, world... It's been, what, maybe three months now? Look, I'll be real with you all. I can't keep going like this. My vision is blurring, and I think I've lost sight in my left eye.

I tried to be strong, but... world, I just can't do it anymore.





Listen, I'll be completely honest with you... I'm starving right now. They haven't given me any food in four days. My head is pounding, my eyes ache, my body is in agony... everything hurts.

Can someone please make it stop?


"Oh yeah, our girlfriend likes it real rough, and she doesn't like coming out of the house at all. So, me and everyone have been tiptoeing around her like she's a bloody princess. You... what? You want to meet her? Ah, sure."

I heard hurried footsteps approaching my room. The door swung open, and in came Val.

"Put this on and come downstairs. My mates want to meet you, Aphelia."

Getting pushed into a dress, I let out an annoyed sigh. { So they're dressing me up to impress their mates. Like, 'Look at our pretty little girlfriend. We definitely don't hit her, abuse her, or lock her up.'

Val held onto my arm as he dragged me downstairs to his mates. As I reached the last step, I saw someone I had never seen before.

"Aphelia, this is our newest mate, his name is Izuku," Val introduced.

I looked into Izuku's green-haired gaze and I knew... he had no clue. No clue at all.

I watched as his eyes traveled down and back up to me. I observed his reaction as he noticed the hand gripping my arm and the bruised ankle. He gave me a sympathetic look.

I mustered a smile at him.

"Nice to meet you," I replied, my tone genuine, but to the others and my... boy******ds, my tone was as fake as could be.

I winced as Val pinched my arm.

Izuku approached me and extended his hand. "I'm Izuku... Nice to meet you."

That boy Izuku kept coming over every day, and Val and the others were compelled to keep me around him. Over time, I sensed that Izuku knew what was happening to me. He grew protective, his concern evident in his eyes every time he spotted a new bruise. With each injury, I could see the worry in his gaze...

One day, he will leave me.


It's been over three months now.


Today, I woke to the sound of screaming. The air was thick with pain, and I huddled into the corner of my room, whimpering to myself. {What the hell is happening right now?} I thought.

The door slammed open, and in came Izuku, covered in blood. I simply stared at him.

"Izu... coughed," the green-haired man approached me, ripping the chain off my leg. He picked me up in his arms and began to make his way toward the stairs. Just as he descended, the police stormed into the house, shouting, "Police! Raise your hands up!" Izuku gently set me down.

That day, the police were alerted to loud noises from the neighboring house. Izuku was arrested for mass murder, charged with killing 12 males aged 29, 19, and 24, all while holding one girl named Aphelia Snow, age 20, captive. He was sentenced to 30 years in jail.

Today is the day I meet you again...

Thank you for saving me, Izuku.

-- End of this one--

--- next chapter

Izuku finally got out of jail after thirty years behind bars. Throughout that time, he endured both beatings and moments of care. Meanwhile, the girl struggled to adapt to life outside after the trauma she endured. Yet, she could never forget what Izuku had done for her. Every day, she waited for his freedom, smiling as she reminisced about the old days.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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