I arrived at Hogwarts at 2:37pm. I got sorted before students arrived in the Great Hall. I asked to sit at the Gryffindor table for the first night and of course they said yes. I don't know how I'm going to tell him that I got into Slytherin. He doesn't really like them.

I know that Slytherin and Gryffindors don't get along because of a past story; Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin. I mean I can understand both parts, Godric wanted equality between mud-bloods, half-bloods and pure-bloods whereas Salazar only wanted one kind.

But honestly it kind of reminds me of one of the story's I read on one leader that caused a war because he only wanted one kind as well.

"so I'm kind of disappointed that you aren't in Gryffindor but at least you're in the same school as me" He says

"yeah. It feels good to be here with you" I say smiling. Harry is the only I have left. He only has me as his family. We work better together

"you've completely lost your british accent" He says laughing slightly

"I have not!" I say offended "look I can go back to my british accent like this" I snap my fingers

"whatever you say jenny" He says and I roll my eyes

"so Jennifer, how was it at Alsan?" Hermione asks me

"well firstly call me Jenny, and secondly it was fair to be honest. It was my home. The teachers would always laugh with us and we could do literally do any we wanted. There was a small forest next to the castle and my best friend and I used to go there and get high and stuff" I say laughing slightly

"you what?!" Harry asks

"come on, don't act like if I haven't told you" I say looking at him

"actually you haven't" He says and I try to think

"well that's just a detail after all, isn't it?" I smirk and he pushes my head backwards gently.

We continue a bit more of the conversation on my old school. I am starting to miss it.

"so are you going to sleep in the slytherin girls dormitory or did Dumbledore prepare you a room somewhere else?" Harry asks

"girls dormitory. He made sure I was with a nice girl. I hope he's telling the truth" I say

"Dumbledore may be old but he's wise and he never lies. Even though I hate every Slytherin I know a few of them aren't that bad" Ron steps in the conversation

"alright" I answer.

After dinner Harry heads me to the dungeons because this is where the Slytherin Common Room is.

"now I don't know the password but I'm sure Dumbledore told you" Harry says

"yeah he did" I reply

"well I'll leave you here, the other houses aren't allowed to step foot in other houses common rooms" He says

"oh alright"

He hugs me then he leaves. I whisper the password but before I enter the snake on the door looks at me

"ssssalazar sssslytherin isss watching you" The snakes says in parseltongue.

Yes I speak Parseltonge. Anyway the door finally opens. What the fuck am I supposed to answer to that? Does it happen to everyone?

I enter the big and green common room. It is absolutely gorgeous. There are green leather seats and sofas around the fire place, there is a table in the middle. The walls are stone, there's a view on the lake. I go up the girls dormitory and i find my room.

Dumbledore told me that it's number 26 and I'm sharing it with a girl called Eva Fletcher. I open the door and I see her reading a book.

"you must be Jennifer Potter" She says closing her book

"the one and only" I say stepping in my new room. My stuff was already in the room thanks to a spell. At Aslan we used to work mostly on spells and the history of them so I'm pretty strong in the combat and knowledge department.

"what are you doing here? In this school" She asks as I walk towards my closet so I can start putting clothes into it.

"you ask a lot of questions, you know?" I say

"just curious" She replies taken aback that I answered like that. I feel like she's the type of person to be the little princess of everything. Like I was in my old school.

"well my school stops in fourth year so I got a letter of acceptance here" I say.

"where were you before?" She asks

"Aslan" I say

"that's why you have an american accent!" She says

"I do not!" I laugh and she joins it "okay yeah maybe I do"

"how was it over there?" She asks

"it was great. I was there with my best friend, Liam, and that place was like home" I say

"was it as big as this?" She asks

"no not at all, it was a castle, a beautiful one but it was not even half of this one. We weren't many, which made it even more cool. With Liam we would get into trouble sometimes because they would find packs of cigarettes in our room" I say slightly laughing at my memory

"you can share rooms with boys?" She asks

"yeah you can and it was great! But the negative side was that they searched your room every night to make sure you weren't hiding cigarettes, alcohol, condoms" I say sitting back down and searching for my little bottle of absolute vodka

"did you have any?" She asks as I take a sip of it and instantly make a face

"yeah I had tons but the son of a bitch of a teacher that had to search my room was in love with my best friend so he didn't say anything" I say taking another sit "dang that's stronger than it was yesterday"

"what are you drinking?" She asks

"vodka. Can't sleep at night without this" I say showing the bottle "and this" I show my back of cigarettes.

I open the little window giving a bit of light and I light my cigarette thanks to non verbal magic.

"but anyway, is the school nice here?" I ask her "harry has told me that Hogwarts can also be called home"

"well it really depends on the person. Often times Slytherin's minds are set and leaving this place" She says "other than that, some of the professors are a real pain in the arse"

"oh" I say as I take one more drag before closing the window.


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