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T/W: mentions of illness and sexual harassment


Despite being advised to rest, Satoru immediately went to see Utahime in school, the practice room to be specific. He passed by the vacant lot at the back of the school through a broken wire behind.

"Utahime..." he called her name.

"Gojo..." she uttered.


Satoru went home with a wide smile on his face. It was both their first time and they both had fun. He can still taste and feel Utahime's lips on his. He will never forget the moment they shared in that room.

The next day was Satoru's schedule for his follow-up check-up. He had his medical tests done because he wasn't feeling well in the past few months, specifically because his body had weakened. As the future of his family's legacy, his health has been taken seriously. The result is ready.

Satoru is diagnosed with leukemia.

He is devastated by the news. He is still young. He still want to do things with Utahime. They will get married in the future. He still wants to see little Utahimes running around their family home. He wants to grow old with Utahime.

The Gojo Family used their connection to consult the best doctors and pharmaceuticals all around the world to ensure their son's health. His parents only hired qualified doctors to take care of their son. His family even goes the extra mile by acquiring an expensive medicine not available in the market yet to make sure Satoru will recover.

As a precaution, Satoru took a break from school for as long as he could. His mother already contacted his school to inform his absence though the reason was not disclosed. He is strictly asked to take a rest and eat healthy meals, his time using electronics is limited as well.

After getting some fresh air with his personal nurse, the maid handed him some folders, telling him that a pretty girl with pigtails asked her to hand them to him. Satoru realizes how much he misses his girlfriend a lot. He begged his parents to let him go back to school. Despite their worries, they can't say no to their son.

On Monday, Satoru went back to school. However, his excitement to be reunited with Utahime faded as his beloved girlfriend just broke up with him out of nowhere. The reason is unclear. He wanted to chase her, ask her why but his body simply gave up as he lost his balance, unable to accept everything that happened.

Everything happens swiftly. Next week, he heard that Utahime had left the country and went to Switzerland. Satoru feels frustrated, angry, and empty. His illness has been making it hard for him, and Utahime leaving him made him more miserable.

Things got worse when the nurse assigned to him was fired because of her motives. The said nurse is in suspicion of being overly touchy and inappropriate with Satoru when it's not a part of her job. She was fired from her job.

Satoru's cousin who just graduated from medical school took the job of taking care of the heir.

Satoru is already losing his hope to fight. He is angry at the world for his miserable life but every time an image of Utahime's smile projects, his frustration and anger temporarily fades. He loves her so much even though she left him. He can't live in the world without knowing the reason why she broke up with him. He still wants to get her back.

Utahime is back after a year. Satoru wants her to be back at her but first, she needs to work hard for it so he provokes her.

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