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KB sat in the car, staring at the door to the car.

He tried opening it, and it wouldn't open, getting perturbed with it not just cooperating and OPENING.

Yoojung, twirled his blue hair, around his finger, entertained by KB struggling with the door.

He found it really funny, joking to himself about how his license must be fake.


He couldn't get the door open either.

he tried again and again and he sighed when he realized, he pushed in the button and opened the door getting in.

His cocky ness had gone south and KB was trying not to burst into laughter at a tiny mad bunny.

Yoojung buckled up and fixes his hair, looking straight ahead, as KB drove them home.


"Not. One. Word." Yoojung practically hissed, arms crossed, over his chest.

"Okay, drama queen~~" KB cheekily teased.

"You infuriate me."

"It tis my occupation to make you pissed off, it is my specialty~~~"

Yoojung rolls his eyes and looks outside, watching the cars go by.

"Y'know, we could stop at a place and get food?"

Yoojung's ears practically perked up.

"what kind?"

"Well, we could get something at the convenience store, or we could go to a resteraunt?"

"Hmmm, or we could go home and order out food?"

"Order out food it is."

KB said pulling into his apartment driveway and gets out, shutting his door.

Walking to the other side and opening the passenger side door.

Yoojung gets out and closes the door, thanking him.

A few hours later;

Yoojung and KB were munching on their order out food and just looking outside at the view from the fifth floor.

they could see a widespread of lights, talking about how they first met.

"Can you believe we met in a resteraunt?" Yoojung asked.

"Yep, oh my god, the call with my boss was frustrating, but a blond cutie made the stress go away~~~"

"Okay bin."

"Aw c'mon, you were practically in love with me~"






"We're arguing like a couple." KB observed.




"We're having an argument...." KB observed yet again.

"No we're no-.."

Yoojung looks at KB.

"We.. we are...." He sighed and hid his face.

KB gently lowered his hands.

"You're still as pretty as when we first met" KB said, meaning every word.

KB Yoojung Floof storiesWhere stories live. Discover now