she wrapped her arms around zaenya, pulling her in closer and zaenya obligingly nuzzled deeper, her lips brushing against alicents skin in a soft, gentle kiss. the touch sent shivers down alicents spine and she closed her eyes, savoring the warmth and love that radiated from zaenyas embrace. "i love you" alicent whispered, her voice a soft sigh of happiness flattering her eyes close

zaenya's lips traced a path of love and adoration, from the crook of alicents neck to the gentle curve of her belly. as she kissed the swollen skin, she could feel the tiny kicks and fluttering movements of their unborn child and her heart swelled with joy and anticipation

alicents eyes fluttered open and she gazed down at zaenya, her face radiant with happiness and love "i love you" the tall woman whispered in response

zaenyas hands cradled alicents belly, her fingers splayed across the taut skin as she gazed at the miracle growing inside. she whispered sweet nothings, her voice a gentle hum of devotion as she kissed the belly again and again, each kiss a promise of love and protection for their little one

alicents hands tangled in zaenyas hair, her touch gentle and soothing as she smiled down at her love, her heart full of gratitude for this moment, this life and this love they shared "calla" zaenya suddenly blurted out

alicents brow furrowed in curiosity "calla?" she asked with hints of confusion

zaenyas face lit up with a radiant smile "it means beauty or bloom" zaenya explained, her voice filled with passion "it's perfect don't you see? our love was the beauty that bloomed in our lives, the flower that grew in the darkest of places and our child—our calla, will be the embodiment of that love and beauty"

alicents face softened, her eyes welling up with tears as she nodded, her heart resonating with the beauty and significance of the name. "calla..." she whispered, her voice barely audible "i love it" zaenyas face glowed with joy and she nestled deeper into alicents embrace, their love and happiness enveloping them like a warm embrace

" she whispered, her voice barely audible "i love it" zaenyas face glowed with joy and she nestled deeper into alicents embrace, their love and happiness enveloping them like a warm embrace

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as they entered the garden, the warm sunlight danced across their faces, illuminating the joy that radiated from their very being. alicents flowy dress billowed behind her, its light colors complementing her growing belly and her hair, which now cascaded down her back like a rich auburn waterfall. the tully genes had finally made their appearance and it suited her perfectly

zaenya, meanwhile exuded a sense of effortless elegance in her brown trousers and light shirt, her dirty blonde hair pulled back into a low ponytail that highlighted the silver strands that framed her face. her eyes sparkled like diamonds as she gazed at alicent, her love and adoration plain to see

together, they glided through the garden, their happiness and contentment trailing behind them like a shimmering silk cloak. the others, already seated at the breakfast table, couldn't help but smile as the couple approached, their love and joy infectious

as they took their seats, the group erupted into a chorus of warm greetings and congratulations, their faces aglow with delight. the breakfast table was a kaleidoscope of colors and laughter, a vibrant tapestry woven from the threads of their diverse lives, now intertwined in this beautiful, peaceful haven. and at the center of it all, alicent and zaenya shone like beacons, their love the radiant heart that pulsed with warmth and light

"wonderful for you to join us, early this time" thoren spoke up with a light jest

"practically stuck in that room of theirs as the day goes along wasting our time awaiting you both, it's becoming a problem if i must point out" sam interjected pointing his fork their way

zaenya rolled her eyes "well i'd appreciate if you would mind your own business and find someone to entertain your time, perhaps then you'd understand" she smiled sarcastically throwing a grape his way

alicent laughed "we'll be sure to break fast with you all at a more reasonable time"

chuckles broke lose around the table as all began dining in the delicious food "do all your men wonder about doing as they please without your permission?" said helaena in wonder as she watched her children play about with some of the guards "i was sure all guards were still and unmoving statues awaiting the word of their commander like they all share a singular braincell" helaena had been more outspoken and blunt to which always amused everyone

sam snorted "where has this rather interesting thought spawn from?" he snickered dodging the swat of helaenas cloth heading his way "a curious thought i suppose" she shrugged

zaenya shook her head with an amused smile "things work differently here sweetheart, braavos is a free city and my men can do as they wish only if it's not to harm the innocents" thoren explained

"ah" helaena said thoughtfully "quite genius if you ask me" she nodded absently take a big bite of her strawberry cake

alicent chuckled "i hear there's a ball tomorrow night" she leaned against the strong frame of zaenya with the tall woman leaning her arm around alicents chair "is it as grand as your maidens say?"

thoren hummed swallowing his food before washing it down with fresh orange juice "as grand as your mind could ever imagine, not to boast my own high ego—but they do acknowledge them as an experience that shall never be forgotten"

zaenya tilted her head "last time i attended one, your elephant pummeled into the gold statue made for you nearly killing a few people"

sam laughed "an elephant?"

helaena gasped "you have elephants!" she exclaimed excitedly

thoren waved zaenya off "still was a memory to never be forgotten"

alicent turned to zaenya in question "you've been to one? and how long ago was this?" she squinted her eyes

the tall woman kissed her love "have i said how beautiful you look this fine morning?" she charmed avoiding the womans questions, sam and helaena snickered at her expense

alicent hummed giving the woman a look "i look forward to it thoren, hopefully no ..wild animals of sort causes any destructions"

the table erupted into a joyful cacophony, the sound of laughter and chatter filling the air as the group savored the warmth of the moment. alicents eyes sparkled like diamonds as she giggled at a joke, her belly shaking with mirth. zaenyas face glowed with happiness

the others joined in, their faces alight with smiles, their laughter and conversation flowing like a gentle brook. the morning sun cast a golden glow over the scene, illuminating the beauty of their shared joy

as they laughed and chatted, the group's collective happiness created a sense of euphoria, a feeling that nothing could ever shatter the peace and contentment they had found in this little corner of the world. it was as if the universe itself had conspired to bring them together, to create this tiny, shimmering oasis of love and laughter

in this moment, all was right with the world and the future seemed bright and full of promise. the laughter and chatter continued, a symphony of joy that echoed through the garden, a celebration of the beauty

A/N: filler chapter<3 and they're so sickeningly inlove i'm so jelly (i love them)

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