"Wait.. Diggory?" Remus asks no one in particular.

"Amos has a sister?" James asks as he wipes his glasses and looked at Sirius with confused eyes.

"I guess.. future says so." Sirius says.

"He does have a sister dummys. Her name's Amara and she's such a sweetheart." Estella says as she smiles and remembers the little badger she befriended.

'amara? She's can't be that guy's sister.. my sweet, shy Amara? Sister of that loud, hyperactive guy? Impossible. But if he is.. ohh come on...' Peter's thoughts are going haywire with the idea that, the girl he fell for is the sister of the guy who's not so fond of him or his friends.

Their giggles and laughs surrounds the whole manor as the two plays with bubbles.

A woman was them shown. Her dark brown hair, dark brown eyes and tanned skin and the perfect smile that she has.

This woman is Amara Pettigrew nee Diggory.

"Oh she's pretty, that's for sure." Marlene gasps and nods her head repeatedly.

Estella squeals and claps her hands as she sees her little badger. "Maraaaa!!"

Regulus and Kol watches her with fond smiles.

Peter looks at the screen wide eyed. His mouth opening and close like a fish. He points at the screen then looks at Remus who looks at him with a raised brow and a smirk.

"I got the girl... I GOT MY GIRL REMMY!!? I GOT MY DREAM GIRLLL!!!" Peter then started shaking Remus who laughs at him. Peter continues to celebrate and cheer, he finally got his girl. And they had a daughter!!

What more can he ask for? He's overjoyed as he looks at Estella who's smiling mischievously at him.

"Told you you'll get your dream girl." Estella says as Peter laughs and hugs her. He spins her around and said thank you's over and over again.

Estella laughs at that. "Okay, okay, I'm sure you're very happy. But remember, you hurt my little badger, I'm cutting of your head."

Peter nods at that, his smile not leaving his face. "Both heads." Estella smiles innocently.

At that, Peter and the other guys unconsciously covered their laps and gulps. Peter with wide eyes, smiled and nodded.

They both know how true Estella's words are.

"And they say I'm the lovesick fool." James whispers to himself, pouting.

"You are. You both are. Difference is.. you are MY lovesick fool." Lily says to him and winks.

James looks at her with wide eyes and blushing cheeks. Lily giggles at that and motioned him to be quiet.

She leans at the door way, watching her husband and daughter.

Little Arabella watches as her father continues blowing out bubbles for her to catch and pop. But her attention was taken by the sight of her mother.

"Mama!!" Little Arabella squeals and she proceeded to make grabby hands towards her mother who chuckles.

"Aww, she's so adorable." Euphemia Potter nee Burke gushes at the baby with Dorea Potter nee Black.

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