I was shaking my head, smiling when I caught Conrad's eyes on me again.
I looked at him, waiting for him to say something, but he just shook his head, and left.

It was already fifteen minutes, and Miguel still hasn't stood up from their table. I was hesitating to go and fetch him, so I told myself I'll just go to the washroom and if he's still there, then I'll go and get him.

I just pulled open the washroom door, when someone pushed me inside and locked it before I even understand what was happening.

"You didn't even give me time to think, Love", he said, as he stood opposite me, watching me.

"It shouldn't be something that you need to think about, Babe", I said, watching him watching me.

"I haven't given you my answer yet", he said, like it's my fault he hasn't decided yet.

"Non-answer is an answer on its own. No hard feelings"

He stared at me, as if he doesn't like how I'm not begging him to come back to me.

"We know each other for a week now", he said, probably trying to make me see logic.
Like- Look here, Little Girl. We've only known each other for a week and you're already asking me to up the ante.

"Congratulations to us, then", I said, smirking at him.

Because seriously, we only know each other for a week, and yet, it felt like we've fought a thousand battles already.
And mind you, not together, but against each other.

"I like you"

"But not enough to take a chance"

"I told you I'm still learning how to do this"

"Then, you have all the time in the world"


"When it's worth it, you won't waste any time to think... Because you know time won't be enough"

"I've never been in anything serious..."

"You've already told me that... Is there anything else you want to tell me? Because if there is none, I need to go"

"Si Miguel?"

"I already answered that question. Goodbye, Conrad"


When I reached our table, Miguel is already there, waiting for me.

"I was looking for you"

"I was just at the washroom", and when I looked back, I saw Conrad talking to some girl.
I smiled, somehow already expecting that.
Lucky, I know where I stand now.


One week has passed and never did we cross paths in campus.

Then one day, on my way out from my Bio Class, I heard his voice before I even saw him.

"You still owe me a cake", he said, while he was leaning against the wall of my classroom.

"You gotta be kidding me"

"I've been waiting for two weeks now. I just thought to drop by, in case you forgot"

He's really testing my patience. "I'll have one delivered sa tambayan"

"No can do. You said you'll make me one. I'm banking on that"

"This is ridiculous, Conrad. We both know you don't like cake"

"I like one when I'm eating with you", he said, he has a smile on his lips.

I looked at him, shaking my head, then went to walk away, leaving him behind.

[On-Hold] Far Side (Liza- Conrad Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now