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I won't do labels, Love
Not with you...
Especially with you..

One fine print though,
Label or not, hindi na kita papakawalan...


I looked at Conrad, not really sure what's running inside his head.
I don't need any song- his message is loud and clear.
Whatever this is that we have- no matter how often he'd remind me of how special this is, it doesn't matter.

If he's not willing to take a risk himself, it only means one thing.
It's not worth it.
And why would I start something which I knew from the start, the other person won't even take a step closer to take a chance.

They like me when it's convenient.
But when bets need to be on the table, no one would take a risk.

I know he has issues himself.
But I'm done trying to see things from other people's shoes.
Why won't anyone try to be in mine?

I smiled at no one in particular before he even finished that song.

🎵🎶Tatakbo sa kawalan...
Di ka pakakawalan...🎶🎵

You lost me even before the music starts.

I knew he was watching me, but I'm tired of this push-pull dynamic.
I'm done asking people to take a chance on me.

I wiped that stubborn tear, and when I saw in my peripheral that Conrad is coming my way, I stood up, ready to take my leave, when as I turned I bumped into someone.

That someone held my arm and when I lifted my head, "You ready to go, Doll?", Miguel asked, his kind smile on his lips.

I smiled, shaking my head.
"Will you stop calling me that?"

"Why? It's pretty kaya"

"Yeah? And then later, you'll tell me again that some witch is looking for me", I said, laughing.

"Mas bagay sayo nakatawa. Let's go"

I grinned, and was about to take my bag when I heard his voice. "Leaving so soon, Love?"

I looked at him and gave him my sweetest smile. "It's getting late"

"It's Saturday tomorrow"

"I have some papers to finish, and Miguel has an early class tomorrow"

"I can drop you off"

"No need, Pare. And Liza is not really used to staying out too late"

"Miguel, Pare, I want to apologize for last time"

"No worries. All's good"

Then I saw Billy took a bottle of beer and gave it to Miguel. "Isang bote lang"

"I'm driving, 'tol"

"Isa lang, Tsong"

"Conrad...", I said, stepping between them.
I saw how his eyes moved to my hand placed on Miguel's arm.

He looked at me, his face blank.

"I'll just have one, Liza. It's fine", Miguel said, squeezing my hand.

I shook my head, and whispered, "Just one, Miguel. I really am tired"

"Pinky swear, Doll"

"Stop calling me that!"

He smiled then gave me a salute.
I really love how dorky he is sometimes.

"Give me your bag", I said, as I held his backpack, which I'm pretty sure he forgot to leave in his car.

[On-Hold] Far Side (Liza- Conrad Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now