Chapter 1

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Y/n| Reece
Y/n Walsh a full back for the women's Broncos Rugby team, Walshy 2.0 is what they call her on the field, she hated when people called her that, reminded her too much of her past.
"Why can't you be more like your brother?!"
"Goddamit y/n"
"Try harder y/n"
"You aren't working enough"
"You could've easily gotten that ball y/n try harder!"
"Hellooooo, earth to n/n, you there girl?"
"Oh sorry my bad, I was day dreaming"
It was my twin brother Reece Walsh, we went to go get breakfast at the local coffee club before we headed to our conjoined training at red hill, since we both had our own lives and have been seriously busy with the current season undergoing we thought it would be nice catch up over some brekky ———————————————————————
"Like I was saying, have anything you wanna catch up on now before we head to training, maybe about a special someone ayeee"
"Reece be so for real right now, as if anything has happened between me and someone, like cmon when was the last time I was in the talking stage with someone."
That was a lie, I had the fattest crush on Jordan Riki number 12 from my own twin brothers team, reecey and I had promised to never ever date anyone from each others team, cause if things went badly it could totally mess up everything. But I couldn't help myself like cmon have you seen that man, made by complete goddesses everything about Jordan was perfect, his hair, his eyes, his jawline, don't even get me started on his build. But that wasn't the only thing that made me soo in love with him, it was his personality he is so sweet and when he gets nervous he has this little nervous laugh which is so cute and perfect, he was perfect, and I was no where near perfect. ———————————————————————
"Ohhhh cmon n/n, surely there is someone in your mind like seriously you have all these guys in your instagram request and not even 1 of them have caught your attention?!"
"Nope not even 1 have been close to get my attention."
"Hmmmm okay okay then"
"What about you reecey have anyone on YOUR mind recently I've been seeing your instagram notes"
"Ooohhh my notes, my notes mean nothing..."
Was this man being for real right now, you could obviously see that he was perfectly lying, but why won't he tell me, like surely it isn't THAT bad the worse situation I can think off is that it was someone I absolutely hate with my whole heart which was Daisy May. Daisy May was obsessed with my twin brother, she only became friends with me in yr 10-12 just so she could see the guy she had a little thing for it was messed up but she got called out for it in the end. ——————————————————————
"I guess we better head off now before we're too late"
"Oh shit yea, we better head off before we end up doing some punishment"
We finally arrived at red hill, and I go to the boot of Reece's car just to see that I brought the wrong training bag... HOW DID I BRING THE WRONG TRAINING BAG?! ——————————————————————
"Hey reecey, do you have a spare training shirt I can borrow, I've picked up my other training bag for the gym instead"
"Ahhh sorry no n/n, the kit I'm wearing is my backup one cause I also forgot mine,
why don't you just ask the guys and see if any of them could lend you there's, I'm sure they would"
"Wait that's actually so smart, yea thanks reecey!!"
Okay guys I just realised I messed up and I've gone over the chapter and edited it so it says       "y/n" instead of Delilah...

Twisted affection (fem oc x Jordan Riki)Where stories live. Discover now