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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


<+:First day:+>


Today is the day, the day I finally go to high school, a good high school, Karasuno who is known as the fallen crows in volleyball. The reason I came here instead of Aoba Johsai like everyone else from Kitagawa Daiichi is so I can have a nice fresh start without volleyball and my old 'Teammates' ridiculing me and being the idiots and children that they are, I may be younger than them but I sure as hell am more mature.

I get out of bed and walk towards the kitchen to make myself a quick breakfast, the house is pretty quiet for the reason being my father left for another women, my mother is dead and my brother is currently in another city or country with his girlfriend, I never really liked his girlfriend, she gave me a pick me girl vibe. I make and eat my breakfast to then go shower and get ready.

After around 30 minutes I'm all ready and dressed for my first day of school and first day of hell. It's currently 8:30 (I don't know what time Japanese school's start so I'm going to use my school's timetable) so I better start walking if I want to get there in time as school starts at 9:00, that researching has really helped because I now know when to start walking.

I walked out the door and said goodbye to my nonexistent parents, during my walk to school I thought about if I would get any friends during my time there, what type of teachers I will have and what club I'm going to join since I'm staying away from my only interest as of last year. I was not looking where I was going and I bumped into someone.

"Oof- sorry about bumping into you Mr.?"

"Sawamura Daichi and it's okay, I wasn't looking where I was going to either." I saw him scratch his neck, he was grinning nervously.

"Sawamura-kun is that a Karasuno uniform?"

"Oh, uh yeah, I'm now a third year at Karasuno and leader of the volleyball team." Leader of the volleyball team, seriously I'm trying to stay away from it.

"Oh, sorry Senpai!" It was my turn to scratch my neck nervously.

"Wait you go to Karasuno?"

"Yes, my name is m/n l/n and I'm a first year."

"So you are my kouhai/kōhai?

"Yes." I say with a monotone voice because why not?

"Oh! Do you want to walk together, we are nearly there." I responded with a hum and we started walking in comfortable silence, until he decided to break the silence and say

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 06 ⏰

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~Take Flight~ Haikyuu!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ