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"Hun, I just got her to bed. Are you going to join me or keep reading? What are you reading anyways?" A voice spoke emerging from a bedroom.

"Some old things Rosy left, her unfinished business that she passed to me." He spoke in a stressed tone.

A heavy sigh was heard, "Jake, you need to be more exact? We've been married for the past 4 years, and known each other longer than that. I know when something is bothering you. So what is it?"

"It's just complicated, I haven't been able to locate a specific person Hailey." Jake muttered closing the book and going up to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Oh why's that important?" Hailey hummed putting her hands on his shoulders.

He yawned, "I'll tell you in the morning, let's just go to bed now. Do you want me to watch Starlet tomorrow, or do you want to bring her to your class?"

"I'll bring her, she loves a specific first term." She smiled softly before he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Disclaimer: Go read book 1 before reading this book

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