il predestinato | Charles Leclerc

Start from the beginning

"I know who you are, and if you don't mind I'm just trying to relax after a long day of traveling." So she did know who I was, and I wondered if she was here for the race since this hotel was usually always booked. "Cherie, I can surely help you with the relaxing part" I said as I winked at her. She scoffed at me, which only made me more attracted to her. Hard to get was definitely a turn on.

"I'm not your type, so please go chat up another girl, in fact the one at the end of the bar is ogling you." I turned my head to the end of the bar and indeed saw some blonde girl staring at me attempting to seductively sip on her wine. It was my turn to roll my eyes. Ignoring the blonde, I turned back to the girl sitting next to me, "how do you know what my type is, and how do you know you aren't it?" I quipped back. 

"You're the type of guy to want a good time, fuck a girl a move on. I'm not looking for a good time, I believe in love and that sex should be a connection between two people. Plus I just got out of a long term relationship" I couldn't even contain my laughter at her response.... it was so innocent. She had no idea the volume of her words. Sex didn't have to be about love..sure it could be, but sex was so much easier without the feelings. But I did feel bad about laughing after she said she got out of a long term relationship, and by the way she was speaking, it seemed that it didn't end well. 

She frowned at me laughing. "Sorry for laughing, but I am a good listener if you wanna talk about it." She turned to face me, to see if I was sincere in my comment. She sighed loudly and extended her hand out to me "I'm Hanna, and if you promise to stop trying to flirt with me, I could actually use someone to talk to." I nodded and knew I got her. I motioned for her to start talking.

Hanna sat on the edge of the stool, her fingers tracing the patterns etched into the wood of the bar deck. She took a deep breath, "So as I said, I just got out of a long-term relationship...yesterday," she began, her voice trembling slightly. "I was engaged to him, Charles. I thought we had it all figured out." I was a bit shocked, not expecting that. 

"But then," she continued, her voice wavering, "I found out he was cheating on me. And it gets worse," she whispered. "I caught him... with my best friend. In our bed." My eyes widened in shock, a mixture of anger and sympathy washing over me. "That's... unimaginable," I responded with, struggling to find the right words to console her. She let out a bitter laugh, "Yeah, tell me about it," she said, wiping away a few tears with the back of her hand. "I never saw it coming, you know? I trusted them both completely." 

She continued to tell me about how she felt her and her fiancé were drifting apart, but she blamed it on his demanding job and that things would get easy again. They were together for 6 years and he was her first. I partially couldn't blame her outlook on life, given everything she had ever experienced was with the first guy she was ever in love with. The final straw was catching the two of them in her bed and she immediately packed a bag and fled- leaving all her things behind. The worst part she mentioned, was the her fiancé didn't even attempt to run after her or make an excuse as to why he was fucking her best friend. She told me that she lived in Sweden, but booked a one way trip to Belgium since her cousin lived here and she had spontaneously always wanted to watch an F1 race. 

I was at a crossroads on how to respond to her. My end game was to listen to her, and hopefully bring her upstairs with me for a good time. But now after hearing how she lost the love of her life and her best friend in one night, I genuinely felt bad for her. I knew all too well what it was like to be failed by someone you trusted so much in. I reached out, placing a comforting hand on her thigh. "I know we just met, but you deserve so much better than that, Hanna."

She looked up at me, a small smile tugging on her lips. "Thank you, Charles, I needed to hear that." She put her hand over my hand that was still resting on her thigh. A wave of warmth washed over me and I felt myself blushing. I suddenly got protective of her, and something about her made me wanna take care of her. She had trusted in the wrong guy, someone who she thought she'd spent the rest of her life with. It almost reminded me of my most recent ex and how I thought she was the one before I realized she was only with me for the fame and perks. I found myself opening up to Hanna, something I hadn't done with anyone in a while. She was attentively listening and I weirdly felt a weight lift off my shoulders. I wanted to show her what pleasure was, and that you didn't need to be in love to feel good. 

After over an hour of chatting, she turned back to her 2nd drink. She knocked back the entire drink and placed some cash on the deck. "Is that offer for showing me how to relax, still valid?" That took me by surprise, but I wasn't about to complain. I nodded and motioned to the bartender to close out my tab. I grabbed her hand, intertwining our fingers and headed towards the elevators. 

Once we got off on my floor, I unlocked the hotel room and she followed me inside. She made her way over to the couch, and like a puppy dog...I followed her. It was almost cute how shy she was, and after hearing her story, I knew she wasn't used to any of this. I would make it my goal tonight to pleasure her in ways she had never experienced before. If I was anything, it was confident and a little cocky. 

I sat down next to her and pushed a strand of her away from her face and behind her ear. She looked up at me through her eyelashes and placed her hand on my cheek. Something was tingling inside me, but I chose to ignore it. I leaned in and the moment our lips crashed together, I felt nothing but passion and electricity. I deepened the kiss and felt her arms wrap around my neck. She shifted herself to my lap, straddling me. I was getting hard feeling her rock her hips against me while we were making out. As she pulled away for a breath, her honey eyes stared into mine, almost like she saw me, the real me. She smiled and rested her forehead against mine. 

My heart was racing, but I couldn't tell if it was from the anticipation of getting to fuck her or if it was something else. It was in this moment, I knew I was fucked. 

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