You have a better idea?

35 5 4

*he came and sat next to you, trying to see what you were doing on your phone* "hey, what are you doing?" *he asked, his usual venomous tone, nowhere to be found*

Y/n: Just watching in my phone..

*he looked over your shoulder and raised an eyebrow*

Felix: just watching your phone? that’s kinda boring”

Y/n: You have a better idea?

*I looked at him and raised my eyebrow*

*he rolled his eyes and leaned in closer to your phone*

Felix: give me your phone for a sec

Y/n: No why...

*he tried to grab your phone*

Felix: I’m just gonna make your experience better

*he smirked at you, challenging you*


*he smirked and moved a little closer to you. there was no way to take your phone back from his big and fast hands*

Felix: what are you gonna do if I take it? hm?

Y/n: You...

*he chuckled as he easily took your phone from you*

Felix:  that didn’t seem so hard

*he smirked, still holding your phone*

Y/n: Give it back!

*he laughed and looked at you*

Felix: make me

*he smirked again. He was not going to make this easy for you*

Y/n: * My eyes winded*

*he raised an eyebrow and laughed again*

Felix: you’re really gonna cry over me taking your phone? wow

Y/n: YOU B-

*he laughed again*

Felix: oh, you were about to call me a buttface?

*he smirked, mocking you*

Y/n: Nah but somthing better

*I smirked*

Felix: hm? something better? oh I can’t wait to hear this

*he rolled his eyes and smirked, not letting you get to him*

Y/n: B**ch

*he laughed*

Felix: wow, you used a swear word? I’m so scared

*he smirked again. he wasn’t letting this upset him at all*

Y/n: *Takes his phone*

Felix: Hey!

*he grabbed your arm to try and get his phone back*

Felix: give it back!


Felix: not until you give my phone back

*he crossed his arms and kept gripping your arm*

Y/n: And if I don't?

*I smirked*

                 💗-Total words 389-💗

Hey yall👋🏻
My name is Sofia💖
This is my first story!!!🤧
I hope you like it😊

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