Chapter 1

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       That all for today class, Professor Damien said to us, I want you all to start talking among each  others to see which ones, y'all feel more comfortable with, and start grouping together to discuss the topics of the project's that I will be passing out this coming Thursday, and please don't group with people that you know and friends with, because it wont be possible without the efforts of each and everyone involved, I don't want to spoil what coming up with this project, but one thing I know is that, I wont allow the same group members again, so I will give you guys enough time and days to start looking toward who you will feel comfortable with, because that will be y'all last project, and you will be working with that individual for month, so please be careful with your decision making, and have a great day. Everyone start to talk among themselves while packing up and ready to exit the class room and move on with they day,  Samantha hurry, Jasmine call out to her best friend, while standing in front  of the classroom doorway, yes, yes am coming Samantha reply trying to fit everything inside her bag, so she could run after her only friend, not that she couldn't make friend or anything, the girl is drop down beautiful, and wherever she pass by, it not hard to see that there a lot of admirers looking her way, but the poor thing only care about one person only and that her bestie since childhood, Samantha quickly exit the classroom, catching up with Jasmine, how are you going to cup with this situation ask jaz, I don't know a worry Samantha answer her bestie, I barely talk with no one else but you and even if I talk with Prof Damien, he wont allow it again, you could see the way he was staring at me, while he was making the speech, as if it was warning toward me, you poor thing, relax Jasmine answer her, you be fine, trust me, don't over think, and over exaggerated the whole thing, just ask someone, or wait until someone asks tomorrow. I mean the prof wont let you do the project alone if there is no one to work with, so you be fine, am hungry do you want to go and eat the restaurant down the street, sure why not, both of the girls walk hand and hand to there favorite restaurant, happy to get over they day.

        Mom am home, Samantha said as she close the door of her house, it was really quiet, well I guess no one home, she drop her key inside the key pot her mother buy last week, due to the facts that her brothers never know where they left they keys, she saw the notes her mother left her, she pick it up, read it, and went up the stairs toward her room, her private happy place, while passing toward her older brothers room toward hers, she heard a noises coming from inside, she already know what going on, she was not a child, her brother bring his girlfriend again even though he said he wanted to break up with her, while she shaking her head at the poor girl, she heard her voice, she stop, puzzle by that voice, that doesn't sound like Vanessa at all, that voice belong to none other her sister, oh hell no, so you mean to tell me James is cheating on Vanessa with her  own family, what a prick, out of anger she knock out the door stoping the couple out of they intimacy, she heard the panicking voice of Daniella, Oh my God, James who's that, you told me no one was here, no one should be here, Oh God is it Vanessa, calm down babe at least we will get it over with, wow what a disgusting human being, my brother open the door, his face was shock to see me here, Sammy when did you get here, what you mean dick head I live here, you prick, move, i push my brother inside, making him stubble backward, Daniella eyes wide open shock to see me standing here, your own sister, seriously, you do know she's pregnant right, and my brother is the father of her child , what she answer, i smirk at her, oh you poor thing, if his cheating on her with you, while still with her, did you think he was being faithful towards you, oh man what a foul you are, what the point of having enemies, when people have relatives like you,  and you James have you had any moral, yesterday you was all lovely with Vanessa, now you fucking her sister, you sick, continue what y'all was doing, Karma is a bitch, y'all get what coming for you both, i walk out the room, pure disgust, and disappointment, how come my parents give birth to someone like James, that boy really need a lesson, and i hope he get his soon.

       Sammy open the door, James knock aggressively, what the hell do you want, I scream at him, am not open nothing, leave me the hell alone, please open, i want us to talk, there none to talk about, you a grown man, so do what you want, Sam stop playing open the fucking door, you bark into my personal space and said my personal business out there, so no we do need to talk, fine, i get up and open he door standing at the door way not letting him anywhere near my room, what the hell you want, if you was not my sister, i will have slap you, oh boy why don't you try, what your problem, you barely care about nothing any one those in here, so when did you become so consume in our business, to the point you humiliate me like this, i laugh of how ridiculous he sound, you humiliated yourself the moment you fucking siblings, and making one of them pregnant, so no brother, you make your own choices, so deal with it, and don't knock on my door again, oh so now you grown, no worry sis, no worry, is that a treat i ask him, he smile, fear run straight toward my heart, no sis it not, just a warning, i roll my eyes and walk inside my room, closing the door, as minute pass by i hear the banging of the bed, her voice muffle in what ever my brother shove her face in, what a prick if he think i care, we blood by parents, what ever he does not my own, i got my own shit to deal with, am tired i put my pillow over my head and let darkness consume me, how the hell am i going to find a partner in two days.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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