AdventureTime007/The Lovers

Start from the beginning

Do not feel. Do not feel.

Breathe in; she worries about me, I can see it. Breathe out.

Flowers grow from my sweaty, taut, white palm.

"Still up for that date?"

She turns the television set off without saving her game. She turns to me fully, empathy softening her wolfish eyes, I am terrified of what might come out of her mouth, I am scared, I try not to shake, I try to petrify my heart inside my chest, but she terrifies me as she strides with love in her eyes. I don't know if I can stop myself if she asks. This was stupid, I should not have come here.

She has a burning question as she opens her mouth, I see her tongue flick, I shift, my face hanging down, and I hear nothing, and feel only her warmth on my waist. She is flawless, a magnum opus, and I am this messy, terrible thing, she is like hot marble; I am splintered flint and shattered steel.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Her snark is different, it is cautioned, she is not truthful.

I tremble. Don't think. Don't even think. Just feel her, just listen to her heart, and her hums. Please stop me. I grip her as if a machine. It is not as intimate as the night before I left, I don't touch her to love, but as courtesy. I can not love, in body, maybe in mind, but I can not love her right now, if I love her I will shatter. I can not take it, I can not take her love.

I've always been a small boy.

Easily overwhelmed.

--Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Don't think too hard.

"Now, don't- and I mean it, don't think of this as an insult.., but, what about something other than, your... liveries, I can smell death on you."

She laughs softly, trying to break away-- "Don't do that, please." I begged, I don't want to be let go yet... I don't want to be let go yet.

I feel her horns prod at me as she nods.

We meld together as if metals turning alloy under the scarlet sun sieved through roots. Then, I let go. She looks up at me and stares. Then her cheeks grow reddish, and she is abashed beneath my gaze.

"I don't have any other clothes," She puts her hands up slightly, as if hiding beneath them. "I mean! It's just not efficient, yeah, why wash three shirts, if you can wash 1?"

I nod, "You could've told me."

"I would have a mountain of clothes, sunshine. When you give, you give everything."

I shift, an ache in my foot. "That, and, I don't mind washing your clothes."

"You make dinner, and breakfast."

"And you saved my life."

I kiss her on her forehead. My heart does not race. I am not lost in a scarlet haze. I am sharp. I know what I am doing. I am doing this with the idea of love. I do not love her right now.

"I don't mind anything from you."

She is amused.

"My shining knight."

I don't reply.

"Time waits for no-one. Lovely, are we to go or not?"

"Do your magic, wizard boy." She says that with giggles.

She began tearing her ensemble to the ground, I am not embarrassed. I should be, I would be, I turn when I see her naked shoulders. She says nothing at my act, I feel her hand press against my waist again, and then she lets go.

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